What happens if Captain Kirrahe dies?
What happens if Captain Kirrahe dies?
If both Kirrahe and Thane are dead (or Thane hasn’t been spoken to), Kai Leng succeeds in assassinating the councilor. If krogan support is lost due to Wrex’s death, Kirrahe takes his place on Earth during the battle for Earth, addressing members of his unit in the same manner Wrex would have addressed his krogan.
Can you save Captain Kirrahe?
It’s easy to accidentally let Captain Kirrahe die in Mass Effect 1 during a difficult mission on Virmire. He and his team know the risks and are expecting to get slaughtered, but it’s actually possible to keep him alive during the mission on Virmire.
Who should I send with Captain Kirrahe?
As you explore the base on Virmire, you’ll have to send either Ashley or Kaiden to work with some Salarians led by Captain Kirrahe. This choice doesn’t matter too much, but if one of them is a core member of your squad, gameplay-wise, do not send them, as you won’t be able to bring them with you. Obviously.
Will Kirrahe survive?
Destroy Flyers Note: Captain Kirrahe’s fate is entirely based on the Geth Flyers. He will die if you ignore them and survive if they are destroyed.
Should I send Kaidan or Ashley with the Salarians?
Both Ashley and Kaidan will volunteer. Don’t panic — this isn’t the decision point of who lives or dies, so send whoever you like. Just remember, whoever you send will not be accessible to you for this mission, so don’t send a character you would normally have accompanying you.
Should I sacrifice Kaidan or Ashley?
Kaiden may be the stronger choice, but Ashley isn’t without her merits. Those who are looking for more character development and growth would be better off saving Ashley, especially if Shepard is romancing her. By the time of Mass Effect 3, Ashley has undergone a modicum of personal growth.
Can you save both Ashley and Kaiden?
Because you’re the commander, you have to make a clear decision about this moment, and unfortunately, there’s no way you can pick to save them both. You have to choose one or the other. If you choose to go with Ashley, regardless of her location, you will lose Kaidan. If you pick to go with Kaidan, Ashley will perish.
Is Virmire the point of no return?
What is the point of no return in Mass Effect? There are two points of no return in the original Mass Effect. There are three main plot planets that make up the bulk of the game’s story: Feros, Noveria, and Virmire. These can be tackled in any order, but after completing, the second players will return to the Citadel.