What happens if a reaper catches you me3?

You get a critical mission failure and have to choose to exit, load or resume/”try again”-just like if you died on a mission.

What happens if a reaper catches you on the galaxy map?

If there is no Reaper on the system you want to explore, you are safe to travel and scan it as you please. However, if you begin scanning in a Reaper-infested system, the Reapers will move in and attempt to capture the Normandy. If you are caught, you will be returned to your last save outside of the Galaxy Map.

How do you stop the Reapers in me3?

Enter a system, an autosave is made, scan as much of it as possible until the Reapers catch you, be caught, click Resume – you will start in the same star system with no Reaper awareness, scan what you found and get out.

What happens if you choose to control the Reapers?

Mass Effect 3’s control ending is effectively the trilogy’s Paragon ending. If the player chooses to have Shepard assume control of the Reapers the harvest is stopped, the Mass Relay system is rebuilt by the now-benevolent Reapers, and all synthetic life survives.

Where can I buy fuel in Mass Effect 3?

In Mass Effect 3, due to the Reaper invasion, many fuel depots have been destroyed….The locations of the fuel depots are in the systems that contain the mass relays of the following sectors:

  • Annos Basin.
  • Apien Crest.
  • Athena Nebula.
  • Krogan DMZ.
  • Horsehead Nebula.
  • Ismar Frontier.
  • Ninmah Cluster.
  • Silean Nebula.

Which systems have war assets me3?

Mass Effect 3 planet scanning builds up your war assets and increases your Total Military Strength for the final confrontation against the Reapers….Page 1:

  • Page 1:
  • Aethon Cluster (9)
  • Apien Crest (5)
  • Arcturus Stream (3)
  • Argos Rho (6)
  • Athena Nebula (9)
  • Attican Beta (4)
  • Page 2:

How do you scan planets in Mass Effect 3?

Choose a system from the Galaxy Map and you can scan while you navigate the star system by hitting the LEFT TRIGGER. The scan beacon may pick up an anomaly on a planet or in deep space which you can explore by entering its orbit.

What is the best choice at the end of Mass Effect 3?

The finale to Mass Effect 3 is far more weighted and, given that many players have grown close to Shepard, the Destroy option seems like the obvious best choice here. All of the other options end with Shepard dying in some way, and the final option of the four does the last thing anyone would want to happen.

What happens if Normandy runs out of fuel?

Fuel is expended in Mass Effect 3 every time you pilot the Normandy into the void between star systems. Mass Effect jumps do not expend fuel, nor does travel within a system. If you run out of fuel you will be automatically returned to the nearest system with a Mass Relay.