What happens during partial seizure?

Seizures are brought on by surges of electrical energy in your brain. With a complex partial seizure, the surge happens only on one side and in a specific area. It’s called “partial” because only one part of your brain is affected. During this type of seizure, you may not be able to control your movements or talk.

How is partial epilepsy treated?

Two of the most commonly used medicines to treat partial seizures are carbamazepine (Tegretol and other brand names) and lamotrigine (Lamictal). Other choices include valproate (Depakote), oxcarbazepine (Trileptal), gabapentin (Neurontin) and topiramate (Topamax).

Can you have partial seizures without knowing?

There are many different conditions and situations that can cause seizures of any type. Sometimes, the cause is never discovered. A seizure without a known cause is called an idiopathic seizure.

What does a mini seizure feel like?

Simple focal seizures: They change how your senses read the world around you: They can make you smell or taste something strange, and may make your fingers, arms, or legs twitch. You also might see flashes of light or feel dizzy. You’re not likely to lose consciousness, but you might feel sweaty or nauseated.

What triggers a partial seizure?

A seizure occurs when a person experiences a disturbance in their brain’s usual activity. The brain communicates via electric signals. Disruption to these signals can result in a seizure. Simple partial seizures happen when people have an electrical change in a specific part of their brain that affects these signals.

What triggers complex partial seizures?

Complex partial seizures are usually caused by epilepsy, although they can be experienced by anyone. Other conditions that may cause seizures include: anxiety. autism.

How long do partial seizures last?

Some focal impaired awareness (complex partial) seizures can spread to both sides of the brain. Previously called secondarily generalized seizures, the new name for this is focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures. They usually last between 30 seconds and 3 minutes.

What triggers simple partial seizures?

While some people have seizures that cause the body to jerk and shake, others experience unusual sensations or loss of consciousness. Most seizures occur randomly, but stress, sleep deprivation, alcohol, certain medications, specific foods, and flashing bright lights can also trigger them.

Can you talk during a partial seizure?

Patients with simple partial seizures remain awake and aware throughout the seizure, and some patients can even talk during the episode.

Are simple partial seizures considered epilepsy?

A simple partial seizure is a type of seizure associated with epilepsy. It may also be referred to as a focal seizure. Epilepsy is a condition that causes multiple seizures, and the seizures can be of any type.

Do simple partial seizures show on an EEG?

Thus, a normal EEG is common during simple partial seizures and does not exclude the diagnosis.

Can anxiety cause seizures?

However, according to research on the experiences of people with seizures, stress and anxiety can trigger seizures, and current research often underestimates the role they may play. Lack of sleep is a common trigger for seizures, and this can often happen in people who are experiencing overwhelming stress.