What happens after MMI in NJ?

Once you have reached your MMI, your therapy treatment, pain management, medication, and/or surgery options will cease, but you will be able to proceed with your claim petition and seek monetary compensation for your injury.

What is an FCE in workers comp?

The FCE is a series of tests used to evaluate your work-related physical abilities. The tests in an FCE will always be performed by an evaluator certified to conduct these examinations. A functional capacity evaluation is designed to be safe and to provide impartial information about an injury or illness.

Is MMI the same as permanent & stationary?

When you reach a point where your medical condition is not improving and not getting worse, your condition is called “permanent and stationary” (P&S). This is referred to as the point in time when you have reached maximal medical improvement (MMI). When this happens, your primary treating physician writes a P&S report.

How is permanent impairment rating calculated?

To calculate the impairment award, the CE multiplies the percentage points of the impairment rating of the employee’s covered illness or illnesses by $2,500.00. For example, if a physician assigns an impairment rating of 40% or 40 points, the CE multiplies 40 by $2,500.00, to equal a $100,000.00 impairment award.

Can workers comp stop payments without notice in NJ?

Regardless of when, how, or why your employer stops payments, workers comp cannot stop paying without notice. Your employer or their insurer cannot stop paying you workers’ compensation benefits without telling you.

What happens after an FCE?

Once an FCE has been ordered, it usually means you are coming to an end of your treatment and the doctor is ready to send you back to work, with or without, restrictions depending on the FCE report. It’s in your best interest to try to complete each test to the best of your ability.

What happens during a FCE?

During the test, the physician will test a number of elements of your physical strength necessary to perform your job, including the following: Pulling, pushing, lifting, and carrying materials. Squatting, walking, kneeling, reaching, standing, balancing, crawling, bending, sitting.

What does continued at arbitration mean?

Choosing to appeal an arbitration decision means that your case continues forward in litigation. You may want to consult an attorney to determining your chances of success on appeal. You should also consider the emotional and financial implications involved in continuing the litigation.