What happened to Lesley Ann Down?

And Down, now 66, reveals she came close to being snatched herself when a stranger tried to entice her into a car, shortly after the body of fourth victim Lesley-Ann Downey, aged 10, was found in a shallow grave on Greater Manchester’s Saddleworth Moor.

What happened to Georgina Worsley in Upstairs Downstairs?

Georgina’s natural father died in a hunting accident when she was six years old. Her mother and step-father die along with Lady Marjorie in the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912….

Georgina Worsley
Created by Upstairs, Downstairs
Portrayed by Lesley-Anne Down
In-universe information
Gender female

How old is actress Lesley-Anne Down?

68 years (March 17, 1954)Lesley-Anne Down / Age

Did Georgina marry in Upstairs Downstairs?

She invested 2000 pounds from her own holdings and investments to help Georgina be able to marry properly. She and Robert were married in a lavish ceremony and she and the Marquis retained Edward and Daisy as their butler and head house maid, respectively.

Who married Lesley-Anne Down?

Don E. FauntLeRoym. 1986
William Friedkinm. 1982–1985Enrique Gabrielm. 1980–1981
Lesley-Anne Down/Spouse

Does Lesley-Anne Down have children?

George-Edward FauntLeRoy
Jackson Friedkin
Lesley-Anne Down/Children

Is Lesley-Anne Down married?

Has Lesley Ann had plastic surgery?

Unlike most actresses, who remain coy about their beauty secrets, Lesley happily admits to using Botox for the past 14 years and having regular mini-facelifts. She once said she wasn’t averse to plastic surgery, but has since changed her mind, having undergone surgery for breast cancer two years ago.

Is Angela Baddeley still alive?

February 22, 1976Angela Baddeley / Date of death

Is Sir Hallam Holland real?

Sir Hallam was born in India, where his father Sir Greville was highly placed in the Indian Civil Service. He was sent away to school in England and thereafter saw his parents only rarely. Sir Hallam found deep love and solace with his wife Lady Agnes.

What nationality is Lesley-Anne Down?

Lesley-Anne Down/Nationality

Who played Chloe Simpson in the nanny?

Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down: Chloe Simpson Jump to: Photos (1)