What happened to Kid in Chrono Cross?

Lynx initiated the ceremony to switch bodies with Serge; after the transformation was complete, Lynx, now with Serge’s body, stabbed Kid with her own dagger, mortally wounding her though it would be revealed later he saved her in order to keep up the guise of being Serge.

How do you get your child back in Chrono Cross?

After the events of Fort Dragonia, Kid will leave your party for a massive part of the game. You’ll automatically get her back after the events of Chronopolis, where you must use the Chrono Cross or Mastermune to enter Kid’s past.

How do you get Leena and Kid in Chrono Cross?

Leena is your character’s childhood friend. The daughter of Miguel and the sister of Una. Turn down Kid’s invitation to join the party at Cape Howl in the Another World, and Leena will join your party the next morning along with Poshul.

Do Serge and Kid end up together?

Kid and Serge would wed, while Schala searched for Janus in time. This is supported by the nature of the photograph on the desk in the closing and opening cutscenes.

Is the time Devourer Lavos?

Story. After Lavos was defeated, he was most likely sent to the Darkness Beyond Time. There, he intercepted Schala, who came in from the Ocean Palace Incident; he then merged with her to form a new being, the Dream Devourer, who, in its maturity, became the Time Devourer, a being capable of consuming all space-time.

Can you get Glenn and save Kid?

You can only get him by using the Chrono Cross to call the characters you unlocked in another playthrough. If you chose to save Kid, you will not get the Glenn of that game. Not on your first playthrough. He is 100% unavailable if you save Kid.

How do you get Glenn and kid?

You can recruit Glenn in Chrono Cross by denying to save Kid and progressing the story until his next interaction.

  1. As you progress through the story, Lynx will poison Kid after what happens at the Viper Manor.
  2. You will get to choose whether to Save Kid or not to Save Kid.
  3. Choose Not to Save Kid.