What happened to Doug in The Hangover?

Stu finally puts the pieces together and figures out that they locked Doug up on the roof of Caesar’s Palace, where he gets severely sunburned with no shade in the desert heat. They end up getting him back “better late than never” to his wedding, where he is forced to get married with a beet-red sunburned face.

What mental illness does Alan from The Hangover have?

Personality/Life Alan takes ADHD medication because he is extremely hyperactive. Even at 41 until his marriage, he used to live at home with his parents as he has his dad pay his rent and his mother calls him “Sweetie”.

Is The Hangover appropriate for a 13 year old?

Amazing Also Inappropriate Peril, sexual material, graphic nudity, language, drinking, drugs, smoking, some violence and finally some blood. In My Opinion this movie is for a good ages for sure an 18+.

What happened to Stu and Jade?

Somehow she ends up marrying Stu, and Stu gives her his grandmother’s wedding ring (the so-called holocaust ring – due to his grandmother’s successful smuggling of it in a Nazi concentration camp) Jade ends up leaving her infant son Tyler in they guys’ room at Caesar’s Palace.

Is the Tiger Real in hangover?

Ed Helms: “It’s a pretty elegant editing job between the real and the animatronic tigers. But the scene where the tiger actually pops up behind us, that’s actually a Jim Henson tiger puppet. The Jim Henson Company actually supplied that tiger. And it’s really cool.

Does Stu end up with Jade?

Who is the best character in Hangover?

Alan Garner, the missing groom’s brother-in-law-to-be played by Zach Galifianakis, is arguably the funniest character in the movie.

Is Alan from The Hangover dead?

Movie star and comedian Brody Stevens has been found dead in Los Angeles.

How many F words are in the hangover?

Over 70 f-words, including a handful used in sexual contexts and several combined with “mother.” About two dozen s-words.

Who does Stu marry in the hangover?

The dentist, Stu Price, is getting married to Lauren in Thailand and his best friends Doug Billings, Phil Wenneck and Alan Garner travel for the wedding. After the dinner party, Doug, Phil and Alan invite Stu to drink a beer around a bonfire on the beach with Lauren’s brother Teddy.