What happened September 8 1998?

Then, on September 8, 1998 – it all changed. What was an exciting, albeit easy-going routine for me, gained new significance when St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Mark McGwire launched his 62nd home run of the season off Chicago Cubs right-hander Steve Trachsel, becoming baseball’s single-season home run king.

What happened September 4th 1998?

On Sept. 4, 1998, the pair of Stanford University grads filed paperwork with the state of California to officially create Google Inc, hoping to turn their ideas about searching and indexing the World Wide Web into a profitable company.

What phase was the moon in September 1998?

On this day the Moon was in a Waxing Gibbous phase.

When was the Full Moon in September 1998?

Full Moon and New Moon for September 1998 The Full Moon for this month will occur early in the month on Sunday, September 6th. The New Moon will happen later in September on Sunday, September 20th.

What did the Moon look like on 1st September 1998?

On this day the Moon was in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts about 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon.

Who is Google CEO?

Sundar Pichai (Oct 2, 2015–)Google / CEO
Since 2019, Sundar Pichai has been the CEO of Google and Alphabet, building on the success of founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

What did the Moon look like on September 1998?

What did the Moon look like on September 7 1998?

On this day the Moon was in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%.

What was the Moon on September 8th 1998?

The Moon phase for September 8th, 1998 is a Waning Gibbous phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon where the illumination of the moon decreases each day until it reaches 50% (the Last Quarter phase).