What happened McJuggerNuggets uncle?

uncle chris passed away last night due to COVID-19. it’s very difficult to process.

Is Jesse Tyler Ridgway real?

Jesse Tyler Ridgway (born September 29, 1992), better known by his online alias McJuggerNuggets, is an American actor, comedian, director and YouTuber from New Jersey. He is best known as the mastermind behind the Psycho Series, and various other series.

What is McJuggerNuggets dad name?

Jeffrey Ridgway Sr.McJuggerNuggets / Father

How old is Uncle Chris from McJuggerNuggets?

Chris Ridgway (Actor)

Alias Uncle Chris
Age: 61
Gender: Male
Status: Deceased

Who is Uncle Larry?

Lorenz Walter “Larry” Abraham (born February 12, 1964), better known as Uncle Larry and sometimes referred to as Psycho Uncle, is the voice of reason, Tom Abraham’s father, Jesse and Jeffrey Ridgway’s uncle and the sibling to Theresa and Aunt Jackie.

Is psycho dad still alive?

After shooting his Dad and fleeing to Switzerland, famous YouTuber “McJuggerNuggets” (Psycho Kid) struggles with his own sanity, only to learn that his Psycho Dad isn’t actually dead.

What does psycho dad do for a living?

Jeffrey Ridgway Sr., also known as Jeff Ridgway, (November 15, 1962 – ) or prominently known as Psycho Dad, is the main antagonist of the Psycho Series and The Devil Inside series….Jeffrey Ridgway Sr. (Psycho Series Character)

Occupation: Landscaper Politician (formerly)
Status: Deceased

Who died from McJuggerNuggets?

Theodore Christopher “Chris” Ridgway (August 3, 1959 – February 6, 2021), better known as, Uncle Chris was the older brother of Jeffrey Ridgway Sr. and the paternal uncle of Jesse Ridgway and Jeffrey Ridgway Jr. For the most part, he has appeared in a few videos of Jesse’s on the McJuggerNuggets YouTube channel.