What happened in season 1 Episode 5 of Game of Thrones?

Varys reveals to Ned that Jon Arryn was killed by a poison called the “Tears of Lys”, and suggests that Arryn’s slain squire Ser Hugh of the Vale was the poisoner. In training, Arya chases a cat through the Red Keep and overhears a conversation between Varys and Illyrio, who appear to be plotting against the throne.

What happened in got s8 e5?

The Hound stabs The Mountain in the eye with a dagger, and that doesn’t stop him. The Hound realizes the only way to kill his brother is to sacrifice himself too — into the fire. Sandor faces his two greatest fears, his brother and the flames, and pulls them both over the edge. Peace for The Hound at last.

What happens in season 5 of Game of Thrones?

Daenerys Targaryen, the Queen of Dragons, struggles to keep order in Meereen, gets hissed at by her freed slaves, learns about her brother Rhaegar’s singing career, mourns the loss of Ser Barristan, feeds one of the wise masters to her dragons, sees Ser Jorah again, meets Tyrion, banishes Jorah again, opens the …

Who was Lord Varys talking to in the dungeon?

Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos
She chases one into the dungeons under the castle, where she finds the great dragon skulls of the Targaryens in storage. She hears two men talking: Varys and Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos. Varys says that events have been set in motion and the lion and the wolf will soon be at each other’s throats.

Who attacks Catelyn and Tyrion?

the hill tribes
Tyrion, Bronn, and Catelyn, stand on the Eastern Road, in the aftermath of an attack by the hill tribes. The Eastern Road (also known as the High Road) is a major highway in the Seven Kingdoms.

Who is lion in got?

Lions are feline apex predators found primarily in Westeros and Essos. Lions feature prominently in Westerosi heraldry, such as the sigils of House Lannister, House Grandison, and the extinct House Reyne.

Why did Daenerys burn the whole city?

But this wasn’t enough for Dany. As she heard the bells of surrender toll, she makes up her mind to kill everyone in King’s Landing and burn the whole city to the ground.

Why does Bran not appear in Season 5?

In November 2014, “Game of Thrones” showrunner-writer-executive producer David Benioff told Entertainment Weekly why Bran wouldn’t appear in Season 5, explaining that his storyline had caught up Martin’s “A Dance with Dragons.” “So if we pushed him forward this season, then he’s way ahead of where the other characters …

Who dies season 5 got?

Snow was killed at the end of season 5, after his ideas about what to do with the Wildlings and his stories about the White Walkers drove the rest of the Night’s Watch past their breaking point. He was labeled a traitor, and just about everyone at Castle Black had a go putting a knife in his gut.

What were Varys and Illyrio plotting?

Varys supposedly saved Aegon Targaryen, the second child and only son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. They arranged for him to be raised in Essos, have prepared him for rule, and are conspiring to put him back on the Iron Throne.