What happened in Argentina in the 1930s?

The 1930 Argentine coup d’état, also known as the September Revolution by its supporters, involved the overthrow of the Argentine government of Hipólito Yrigoyen by forces loyal to General José Félix Uriburu.

What is the time period from 1930 to 1943 known as in Argentina?

Infamous Decade (1930–43)

What caused the coup in Argentina?

A group of military officials, tasked by Perón to aide the vice-president, took control in an effort to revitalize Argentina’s deteriorating political and social climate. This shift in governance paved the way for the ensuing coup.

What did Juan Perón do for Argentina?

As Minister of Labour, Perón established the INPS (the first national social insurance system in Argentina), settled industrial disputes in favour of labour unions (as long as their leaders pledged political allegiance to him), and introduced a wide range of social welfare benefits for unionised workers.

Who did a military coup take place against in Argentina?

Juan Perón won with 62% of the votes, but died less than a year after being elected. The Peronist government, which was subsequently led by vice president Isabel Perón, who succeeded her husband as president, was overthrown by a military coup in 1976.

What is Argentina’s infamous decade known for?

During the next 13 years, which have often been termed “the Infamous Decade,” the armed forces sponsored a conservative restoration. After expelling Irigoyen they installed General José Félix Uriburu in the presidency (1930–32).

What important events happened in Argentina?

20th century

Year Event
1946 Perón elected president; re-elected to presidency in 1951
Indigenous people march in Malón de la Paz to Buenos Aires to demand land rights
1947 Women’s suffrage is approved
1950 First flight of the FMA IAe 33 Pulqui II, the first jet fighter to be entirely developed and built in Latin America.

How many coups are there in Argentina?

In Argentina, there were six coups d’état during the 20th century: in 1930, 1943, 1955, 1962, 1966 and 1976. The first four established interim dictatorships, while the last two established dictatorships of permanent type on the model of a bureaucratic-authoritarian state.

Why is Eva Perón famous?

Eva Perón then created the Female Peronist Party, the first large female political party in the nation. By 1951, the party had 500,000 members and 3,600 headquarters across the country. While Eva Perón did not consider herself a feminist, her impact on the political life of women was decisive.

Is Evita based on a true story?

Based on the incredible true story, Eva (Evita) Peron, starts out life as a poor girl who goes on to become an actress and then become the wife of the president of Argentina, Juan Peron. The musical is a story of love and politics, showing all the battles and triumphs Evita has in her short, but amazing life.