What gun does Danse give you?
What gun does Danse give you?
Righteous Authority is given to the Sole Survivor by Paladin Danse as a reward for completing the quest Call to Arms. It can also be obtained if you meet Danse after completing the main quest line of any faction besides the Brotherhood of Steel.
What is the best auto rifle in Fallout 4?
[Top 10] Fallout 4 Best Automatic Weapons (And How To Get Them)
- 8 . December’s Child.
- 7 . Righteous Authority.
- 6 . Splattercannon.
- 5 . Cryolator.
- 4 . Spray N Pray.
- 3 . Experiment 18-A.
- 2 . Kiloton Radium Rifle.
- 1 . Tesla Rifle. The Tesla rifle is another legendary energy weapon.
What is the most overpowered gun in Fallout 4?
1 Nuka-Nuke Launcher Arguably the most powerful weapon in the game is the Nuka-Nuke Launcher found in Nuka-World. It’s essentially a Fat Man that has been modified to hurl modified mini-nukes known as Nuka-Nukes at foes. These Nuka-Nukes deal a whopping 833 damage at a decent range from the enemy.
Is righteous authority a rifle?
Righteous Authority is a semi automatic rifle.
What makes Paladin Danse happy?
Paladin Danse Initial Location: At Cambridge Police Station, upon the conclusion of Fire Support. Likes: Acts of kindness and choices that lead to violent outcomes. He likes it when you use the Vertibird and power armor. He also approves when you modify weapons and armor.
How do you get the Tesla rifle in Fallout 4?
Location. It can be looted from Ivey at the end of the quest Headhunting in the Fort Hagen hangar.
Does Tinker Tom’s shot do anything?
If you let him give you the shot, he will offer you items that he creates for you because he then ‘trusts’ you. Show activity on this post. Tinker Tom’s shot only seems to drain your health (well, it does have battery acid in it) and has no real effect or grants any perks as far as I can see.
Is the plasma rifle better than laser rifle?
Plasma rifle: Higher damage than both types of lasers, but as the projectiles/blobs of energy have noticeable travel-time to targets, you have to lead your shots if your target is moving.