What grade is the 2nd Flatiron?

The second Flatiron starts just moments from the First, with climbing ranging from 5.0 to 5.7 depending on the desired route. The most popular route, Freeway, is named for it’s meandering style of climbing across the face, where every hold and feature is climbable.

How hard is the second Flatiron?

This is a 2.4 mile loop hike with 1300 cumulative feet of elevation gain that takes about 1-2 hours to complete. Second Flatiron is the least steep one (second from the right).

Which Flatiron is hardest to climb?

Direct East Face, 5.6R, First Flatiron The hardest climbing you’ll find is probably right off the ground. If you can make it to the second bolt, then the tough climbing is behind you, but don’t let your guard down. You’ve still got a lot of rock to cover.

How do you get to the base of the second Flatiron?

From the ranger cottage at Chautauqua Park follow the Chautauqua trail to the Flatirons Loop Trail. Follow this trail about 2/10 of a mile south to the Second/Third Flatiron trail. This trail leads directly to the bottom of the north side of the Second Flatiron. The approach takes approximately half an hour.

Which flat iron is the easiest to climb?

The First Flatiron: Southwest Face: Class 5.2 The southwest face is the easiest route to the summit of the First Flatiron. It offers some uniquely steep slab scrambling to a very nice, relatively prominent Flatiron summit. This is the usual descent route for people soloing routes on the east face.

How tall is the 2nd Flatiron?

Elevation: 7120+ feet, 2170+ meters

Elevation Info: Elevation range: 7120 – 7160 ft (40-foot closed contour)
Peak Type Unofficially Named Peak
Latitude/Longitude (WGS84) 39° 59′ 23” N, 105° 17′ 37” W 39.989681, -105.293741 (Dec Deg) 474923 E 4426653 N, Zone 13 (UTM)
Country United States
State/Province Colorado

What is the easiest Flatiron to climb?

The southwest face (left edge) is the easiest route to the top. Personal Fun Rating: #7. The southwest face is the easiest route to the summit of the First Flatiron. It offers some uniquely steep slab scrambling to a very nice, relatively prominent Flatiron summit.

How long is the 1st 2nd Flatiron trail?

2.6 miles
First and Second Flatiron Hike Trail Snapshot

Hike Distance 2.6 miles Round Trip
Difficulty Moderate
Duration Approx 2 hrs
Trail Type Out and Back
Elevation Gain +1400′

Which Flatiron is easiest to solo?

Freeway on the 2nd is probably the best introduction to free soloing in the Flat Irons, it begins right off of the trail and finishes onto the trail with no down climbing involved. My recommendation is to start by heading to the base of the 2nd Flatiron and climb Freeway 5.0 which is long and a lot of fun.

Is Flatiron hike hard?

For more information, please visit https://azstateparks.com/lost-dutchman/explore/maps Flatiron via Siphon Draw Trail is a very challenging day hike in the Superstition Mountains. It is full of tough scrambles and is recommended for seasoned hikers and scramblers only. Bring plenty of water and wear sturdy shoes.

How long is Flatiron hike AZ?

About 6 miles round
Hiking to the Flatiron Length: About 6 miles round trip. How strenuous: Strenuous. The hike involves hand climbing and route finding. Getting there: From Phoenix, take U.S. 60 east to Idaho Road, then go north to State Route 88.

Can you free solo the Flatirons?

You could also solo the north side of the east face of the first flatiron and not bother going to the top on the ridge… if you just go straight up but not to the true summit, you can just step off the rock when you are done.