What games can a DSi XL play?

Nintendo DSi XL Features The Nintendo DSi XL plays the entire Nintendo DS library, with the exception of games that utilize the Game Boy Advance cartridge slot for necessary accessories.

Can I download games on my DSi XL?

If you have a Wi-Fi connection, you can use your Nintendo DSi (or DSi XL) to go online and buy “DSiWare” — smaller, inexpensive games that can be downloaded to your system. Visiting the Nintendo DSi Shop is easy, and downloading games is a snap.

Does YouTube still work on DS?

Service for the YouTube app for Nintendo 3DS family systems ended on August 30, 2019. The app is no longer available in the Nintendo eShop.

Can a DSi XL play 3DS games?

Can I play Nintendo 3DS games on my Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi or Nintendo DSi XL? No, this is not possible.

Does Nintendo DSi browser still work?

As of March 31, 2017, the browser remains available for download on all Nintendo DSi XL systems, and on any Nintendo DSi system that had the browser preinstalled or downloaded prior to that date….Nintendo DSi Browser.

Developer(s) Opera Software Nintendo
Website www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/dslite/browser.jsp

Can you still use the Internet on Nintendo DS?

Use the Nintendo DS Lite Browser to quickly and easily access the Internet and connect wherever there is wireless Internet access. You can surf the web via the Touch Screen on the Nintendo DS Lite in the same way as with a keyboard and mouse. The stylus is used to activate hyperlinks and click through web pages.

Do they still make DS XL?

In the July 2017 lead-up to the release of the New Nintendo 2DS XL, Nintendo confirmed that production on the standard-sized New Nintendo 3DS in Japan had ended. The XL model remained in production until July 2019, when production ceased and it was removed from their website.