What food should be avoided in pulmonary tuberculosis?

Limit refined products, like sugar, white breads, and white rice. Avoid high-fat, high-cholesterol red meat and instead load up on leaner protein sources like poultry, beans, tofu, and fish.

What food should be given to TB patients?

Foods Rich in Vitamin A, C and E Fruits and vegetables like orange, mango, sweet pumpkin and carrots, guava, amla, tomato, nuts and seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin A, C and E. These foods must be included in the daily diet regime of a TB patient.

Is milk good for pulmonary tuberculosis?

Milk: Milk is also a great source of protein, providing strength necessary to perform day-to-day activities. “You can make a milkshake with mangoes and milk that combines carbohydrates with protein and is the ideal energy booster.”

Is Ginger good for PTB?

Conclusions: Ginger was found to be effective as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant supplement along with anti-TB therapy as it possesses strong free radical scavenging property.

Is pineapple good for TB patient?

Nutrients in pineapple juice may help soothe symptoms of a cough or cold. One 2010 study found that pineapple juice was part of an effective treatment for tuberculosis, thanks to its ability to soothe the throat and dissolve mucus.

Is Honey Good for TB patients?

Honey with ATT minimizes the adverse drug reactions induced by Anti-TB drugs in AFB positive pulmonary positive tuberculosis patients. Thus, honey can be used as an adjuvant along with ATT in pulmonary TB patients.

Which juice is good for TB patient?

Pineapple juice is very effective in treating tuberculosis. Pineapple juice helps to reduce the mucus formation and provides faster recovery. Drink fresh juice of pineapple on daily basis.

Can TB patient take honey?

Is Onion Good for TB patients?

A type of onion could help the fight against antibiotic resistance in cases of tuberculosis, a UCL and Birkbeck-led study suggests. Researchers believe the antibacterial properties extracted from the Persian shallot could increase the effects of existing antibiotic treatment.

Is Vitamin C good for TB patients?

Treatment of multidrug resistant TB takes at least two years, and requires use of toxic second-line TB drugs with severe side effects. “Vitamin C is known to be safe and our current mouse studies suggest that vitamin C could enhance TB chemotherapy,” said Dr. Jacobs.

What Herb kills tuberculosis?

“We’ve found that treating the tuberculosis bacteria with extracts from wormwood plants not only stops the bacteria from growing, it kills the bacteria. That’s what’s so exciting about this research.” Sweet wormwood is the common name for the annual herb Artemisia annua, which is grown around the world.

Is garlic good for tuberculosis?

Garlic is an effective home remedy for TB. It contains a compound – Allicin – which is active against the bacterium that causes TB. which helps in fighting tuberculosis. Adding fresh garlic to a regular diet or steeping some garlic in water can work wonders and can help keep our body safe from TB.