What fonts have even spacing?

A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space. This contrasts with variable-width fonts, where the letters and spacings have different widths.

How do I make my font monospaced?

Basically, for a font to be considered monospace, every glyph has to be the same width, right down to the exact same number of units. This includes even glyphs that should normally be zero width, or a certain width (such as em spaces, em dashes, etc).

What is the best fixed width font?

With that in mind, browse through this collection of excellent fixed-width fonts and integrate them in your upcoming projects.

  • Verily Serif Mono Fixed Width Font.
  • Big Pixel Fixed Width Font.
  • Larabie Font Fixed Width Font.
  • Aurulent Sans Mono Fixed Width Font.
  • ModeNine Fixed Width Font.
  • XLMonoAlt Fixed Width Font.

What fonts in Word are monospaced?

Summary. The only monospaced TrueType fonts shipped by Microsoft are Courier New, which shipped with Windows 3.1, and Lucida Sans Typewriter, which was included in the TrueType Font Pack.

How can you tell if a font is monospaced?

A font can be monospaced even if metadata tells you otherwise. Just look at the with of glyphs. Compare the width of ‘i’ and ‘m’ and/or other glyphs.

Is Futura a monospace font?

Futura is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Paul Renner and released in 1927. It was designed as a contribution on the New Frankfurt-project. It is based on geometric shapes, especially the circle, similar in spirit to the Bauhaus design style of the period….Futura (typeface)

Category Sans-serif
Shown here Futura LT

Which fonts have the same width for every character?

The system fonts Courier, Menlo, and Consolas are examples of monospaced fonts , so named because every character is the same width.

Is Arial a monospaced font?

Arial Monospaced: In this monospaced variant, letters such as @, I (uppercase i), i, j, l (lowercase L), M, W are redesigned.