What font did the Pennsylvania Railroad use?

SPF’s generally agree that the closest printer’s font is Craw Clarendon, although it is not an exact match. From 1938 to 1941 PRR abandoned this form of lettering and went to a Futura-style sans serif lettering. Steve, Brother Mitchell hit the nail on the head about the nit-picking.

What font did railroads use?

Rail Alphabet

Category Neo-grotesque sans-serif
Designer(s) Margaret Calvert, Jock Kinneir
Foundry Department for Transport (formerly BRB (Residuary) Limited & British Railways Board)
Date released 1964
Design based on Helvetica

What font is used on railroad crossing signs?

FHWA Series E is used on intercity and highway signs instead. Used by Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation until its merger with MTR in 2007. Being gradually replaced by Myriad, which is used by MTR on its networks.

What font did the Great Western Railway use?

A heavy bold Clarendon was used for the cast brass locomotive nameplates of the Great Western Railway.

What font was popular in 1900?

The most popular font released in 1900 was ITC Blair, designed by Jim Spiece.

What fonts were used in the early 1900s?


  • Adobe Caslon (68)
  • Adobe Garamond (46)
  • LL Akkurat (72)
  • Aktiv Grotesk (52)
  • Akzidenz-Grotesk (307)
  • Akzidenz-Grotesk Condensed (58)
  • Albertus (62)
  • Alternate Gothic (112)

What font is used on old railway posters?

Then Gill Sans really spread its wings, because at nationalisation in 1948 it was adopted by the British Railways Board for its station signage, rolling stock lettering, timetables and publicity. Gill Sans.

Is Gothic san serif?

The terminology of sans serif types can be confusing: essentially, gothic or grotesque are both generic names for sans serif (although Letter Gothic, confusingly, is more of a slab serif type).

What font is used on road signs?

Highway Gothic
Enter Highway Gothic, officially known by the far sexier moniker of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Standard Alphabets for Traffic-Control Devices.

What font is used for signs?

Serif or Sans-Serif Most newspapers, books and newsletters and publications where there is a lot of text use a serif font such as times new roman. When it comes to signs and banners you will notice that signs without serifs or sans-serif are much more common.