What FM covers engineer field data?

FM 5-34
C3, FM 5-34 3.

What replaced FM 5-34?

FM 5-34 was replaced to aline the publishing format IAW current procedures).

What are the six types of engineer mobility operations?

It was originally developed under the Battlefield Operating System (BOS) which has since been updated and replaced with the six Army Warfighting Functions (Movement and Maneuver, Protection, Intelligence, Sustainment, Command and Control, and Fire Support), the six being tied together with Leadership.

Which items are key tasks for the Army Engineer?

With a decrease in forward-stationed forces, critical tasks include setting the theater, improving lines of communications, providing geospatial products, and ensuring freedom of movement and maneuver for any offensive or defensive mission on any type of terrain.

How many steps are in the reverse breach planning process?

two steps
Detailed reverse breach planning. The reverse breach planning begins in mission analysis and carries through COA development. It is not an enormous burden on a staff; in fact, there are only two steps of the process that units do not already perform as part of the MDMP.

What are the warfighting functions?

Warfighting Functions: The seven mutually supporting military activities integrated in the conduct of all military operations. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver.

What is the dig rate in cubic yards for an armored combat earthmover when digging in loose material?

Earthmoving. Quite clearly, the most important feature of the ACE is its ability to move earth. This is achieved with the use of an 8.7 cubic yard (6.7 m³) blade at the front of the vehicle.

What is a deliberate fighting position?

Two-Soldier Position (Deliberate) One or. Two-Soldier Position with Overhead. Cover (Deliberate)

What is ere in army?

Extra Regimentally Employed Extra-Regimentally Employed (ERE) personnel are those members of the Regiment who are posted externally from the battalions and who work in any number of command, staff and instructor appointments throughout the army at home and abroad.

What are the forms of maneuver?

The forms of maneuver are envelopment, Turningmovement, infiltration, penetration, and frontal attack. Commanders use these forms of maneuver to orient on the enemy, not terrain. They determine what form of maneuver to use by their analysis of the factors of METT-T.

What do Army engineers do?

Military engineers are responsible for protecting the troops either by using fortifications or by designing new technology and weaponry. Military engineers construct and repair bases, airfields, roads, bridges, and hospitals as well as clearing routes, harbors, and ports.