What fish can I keep with tropheus?

Tropheus are ordinarily moderately aggressive fish, however they become highly aggressive when breeding. Most aggression will be mainly directed at other Tropheus. Suitable tank mates would be any other fish with the similar temperament and adult size such as Peacock Cichlids, Electric Yellows and Gobies.

Are lyretail cichlids aggressive?

They are fairly peaceful, making good inhabitants for the community cichlid tank. They it will adapt to a wide range of water conditions, eat a wide variety of aquarium foods. and will readily breed.

What do Brichardi cichlids eat?

Neolamprologus brichardi are omnivorous. In their natural habitat, they feed on small crustaceans and invertebrates they find in the biofilm of the rocky substrate. They also relish the swarms of plankton drifting in the water. The Fairy Cichlid is not fussy, so feeding them is reasonably straightforward.

How big do Brichardi cichlids get?

2.8 – 3.5 inches
Average adult size: 2.8 – 3.5 inches (7 – 9 cm) Average purchase size: 1 – 1.6 inches (2.5 – 4 cm) for juveniles, 2.8 – 3.5 inches (7 -9 cm) for adults.

How can you tell a male from a female Brichardi?

On first sight there appears to be no difference between the male and female. All fins on both are white to iridescent blue tipped, with the dorsal, anal and pelvic / ventral fins quite pointed. On the male you will find that these fins are slightly longer.

Are Brichardi mouth brooders?

This fish is not a mouthbrooder, and it practices sibling care. Often a pair starts with a small spawn or two, and as those young become large enough to help protect new fry, the spawns become larger.

Can tropheus live with African cichlids?

Tropheus will often chase featherfins and nip at their long trailing fins. Petrochromis cichlids have similar traits to Tropheus and are strong natured too so these are a clear match for keeping with Tropheus cichlids. They are also Aufwuchs-feeders and will stand their ground very well against Tropheus.

Can I keep tropheus with Frontosa?

Tropheus are fairly aggressive but perhaps geared more toward their own kind so the combo might work (with that said, frontosas may do best in more tranquil settings, and since you need lots of tropheus to prevent them from wiping each other out, the proposed tank may be too hectic for the fronts).