What fish are in the Esox family?

PikePikes / FamilyEsocidae is a family of fish in the order Esociformes, which contains pike, pickerel, and mudminnows. While the family traditionally only contained the genus Esox, recent genetic and paleontological research have recovered Novumbra and Dallia as members of the family Esocidae, being closer related to Esox than Umbra. Wikipedia

What is the genus name for pike?

PikesNorthern pike / GenusEsox is a genus of freshwater fish commonly known as pike or pickerel. It is the type genus of the family Esocidae. The type species of the genus is Esox lucius, the northern pike.
Ancestral Esox species had been present in Laurentia and Eurasia since the Paleogene. Wikipedia

What family do northern pike belong to?

PikeNorthern pike / FamilyEsocidae is a family of fish in the order Esociformes, which contains pike, pickerel, and mudminnows. While the family traditionally only contained the genus Esox, recent genetic and paleontological research have recovered Novumbra and Dallia as members of the family Esocidae, being closer related to Esox than Umbra. Wikipedia

What does Esox mean in Latin?

History and Etymology for Esox New Latin, from Latin, pike (fish), from Greek isox, a fish, of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish eo, eu salmon, Middle Welsh ehawc.

What did pike evolve from?

One species that was more tolerant of colder conditions evolved, eventually becoming the northern pike. Esocidae evolved from the herring-salmon order of fishes during the mid-to-late Cretaceous period, but developed a much more predatory bent.

What is the scientific name for Muskie?

Esox masquinongyMuskellunge / Scientific name

Is pike related to sturgeon?

But at this juncture some are members of the Sub-class Chondrostei (sturgeon), while others are also in the Sub-class Neopterygii (flounder, gar, pike). These fish are most closely related to the true bony fishes, and are very similar, but they are much older in an evolutionary sense.

What’s the biggest pike ever caught?

What is the size of the biggest pike in the world? The largest pike ever measured and confirmed is 152 cm long, 60 cm belly for 28 kg. He was captured and released in May 2004 in Lake Apisko in Canada.