What film techniques are used in Rabbit-Proof Fence?

Rabbit Proof Fence | Film Techniques

  • Framing. Framing defines the image through the use of various shot types, for example:
  • Setting and Props. Setting and props provide a context for viewers.
  • Lighting. Lighting creates atmosphere.
  • Costumes and Make-up.
  • Camera Angle.
  • Horizontal Angles.
  • Common Editing Transitions.
  • Study Guide.

What does the Rabbit-Proof Fence symbolize?

The fence symbolises hope and the will to live, whenever we see it the hopeful music begins. The fence is an important symbol in the film. It not only highlights the split between the European and Aboriginal culture, it represents a link between mother and daughter.

What is the effect of a high angle shot?

The high angle shot informs the viewer that the subject feels vulnerable or is of lower status than something or someone around them. It can also imply imminent danger and tension. Alternatively, high angle shots can establish a scene and present the scale of things.

Why is high angle used in film?

Why do filmmakers use birds eye view?

Bird’s Eye View Perspective To capture the details in a scene, filmmakers often use insert shots to isolate and give meaning to those details. One filmmaker who has basically cornered the market on bird’s eye view insert shots is Wes Anderson.

Why is low angle used?

Low angle shots are often used to strengthen certain psychological effects in filmmaking and film editing, typically to make a subject look strong or powerful. That being said, there are many additional advantages low angle shots can bring to your filmmaking. You can also use them to: Capture different perspectives.

What is pan camera?

In cinematography, a pan shot is a horizontal camera movement where the camera pivots left or right while its base remains in a fixed location. The term “pan” comes from the word “panorama,” which describes a view so vast and grand you have to turn your head to see the entire vista.

What does an over the shoulder shot represent?

The OTS shot is used as a way to capture the perspective of the subject whose shoulder the camera is placed behind. This technique can often be used to manipulate the level of identification an audience has with a character or can display a relationship dynamic between two characters on screen.

What are pan shots?

types of camera movement movements is to turn, or pan (from the word panorama), the camera horizontally so that it sweeps around the scene. It can also be tilted up or down in a vertical panning shot or in a diagonal pan, as when it follows an actor up a stairway.