What exotic animals are legal in Texas?

List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas

  • Lemur.
  • Sloth.
  • Kinkajou.
  • Capybara.
  • Asian Leopard Cat.
  • Kangaroo.
  • Callitrichids.
  • Spotted Genet.

Are exotic pets illegal in Texas?

Since 2001, Texas law has required that people who own exotic animals like Cruizer — or other exotic animals like lions, bears and chimpanzees — register their animals with their municipal or county animal control offices. The law leaves it up to local governments to regulate exotic pet ownership or ban it outright.

What exotic cats can you own in Texas?

What Exotic Pets Are Legal in Texas? The quick answer is that pretty much all animals are technically legal under state laws, but only if you start a USDA-licensed facility. Animals like tigers, bears, gorillas, and cheetahs can technically be owned if you are able to get a certificate of registration.

Are pet monkeys legal in Texas?

The ownership of monkeys is entirely legal in Texas, regardless of the breed. The reason for this is like many other states, Texas sees there to be no need to have legal ownership for individuals who own exotic pets.

Can I own a tiger in Texas?

According to Texas law, to own a tiger, one must carry at least $100,000 liability insurance. Owners are required to register their dangerous animals with local health authorities and submit a copy of the registration to the Department of State Health and Human Services.

How much is an exotic animal license in Texas?

Nongame Collection Permits

Permit Eligibility Fee
Resident Nongame Collection Permit Texas resident $19
Non-resident Nongame Collection Permit Non-resident $63

Can I own a caiman in Texas?

According to the city, Caimans, like all crocodilians and alligators, are prohibited in San Antonio and Texas Fish and Wildlife laws strictly regulate their hunting and possession.

Are savannah cats legal in Texas?

It is legal to own a serval in 16 states in the U.S. You can own a serval without a license in North Carolina, Alabama, Nevada, and Wisconsin. You can obtain a license to own a serval in Texas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maine, Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Are sugar gliders legal in Texas?

Texas, a state that likes its pets flashy, is naturally not among the states that prohibit the ownership of gliders, including California, Georgia, Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii.

Can you have a pet fox in Texas?

And yes! Fennec foxes and bat-eared foxes are legal to own as pets in the state of Texas, as they are African species of fox. Keeping native wildlife species like the red fox as pets is still banned in Texas.

How much does a baby tiger cost in Texas?

You might think it’s illegal to buy or sell an endangered tiger cub in Texas, but it isn’t. For $500, you can buy an orange Bengal tiger and tie it up in your yard, no questions asked (a white tiger will cost you $5,000). It’s all perfectly legal in Texas. The exotic animal trade is a billion-dollar industry.