What exactly is sovereign?
What exactly is sovereign?
Sovereignty is a political concept that refers to dominant power or supreme authority. In a monarchy, supreme power resides in the “sovereign”, or king. In modern democracies, sovereign power rests with the people and is exercised through representative bodies such as Congress or Parliament.
What is an example of sovereign?
Sovereign is defined as ruler with unlimited power, the chief or greatest, or independent. A king is an example of someone with sovereign powers. The value that is most important to a company is an example of something sovereign. A country that has become independent is an example of something sovereign.
What is another meaning for sovereign?
Some common synonyms of sovereign are autonomous, free, and independent. While all these words mean “not subject to the rule or control of another,” sovereign stresses the absence of a superior power and implies supremacy within a thing’s own domain or sphere.
What is a sovereign woman?
The Sovereign Feminine, is seen as a rare mythical woman in legend. Many women desire to be powerful, and few are ever able to attain true heights of power in today’s age. A woman can either wait for people to toss her leftover scraps, or choose to embrace her Inner Sovereignty, unapologetically.
What is sovereignty in simple words?
Definition of sovereignty 1a : supreme power especially over a body politic. b : freedom from external control : autonomy. c : controlling influence.
Does sovereignty mean freedom?
What is the opposite of sovereign?
dependent. nonautonomous. non-self-governing. subject. unfree.
Does sovereign mean free?
adjective. Having political independence: autonomous, free, independent, self-governing.
What does sovereign mean in the Bible?
Sovereignty of God in Christianity can be defined primarily as the right of God to exercise his ruling power over his creation, and secondarily, but not necessarily, as the exercise of this right.
How do you use sovereign in a sentence?
Sovereign sentence example
- Yet Greece was the sovereign power in all the world of ancient culture.
- The age of majority of the sovereign is eighteen.
- Under a kingly government office bestowed by the sovereign holds the same place which office bestowed by the people holds in a popular government.
When did the U.S. became a sovereign nation?
July 4, 1776
JANUARY 14, 1784: THE DAY THE UNITED STATES BECAME A SOVEREIGN NATION. We cite and celebrate July 4, 1776, as the birth of the United States of America because that is when the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.