What ethnic group lives in Kosovo?

Ethnic Albanians form the overall majority with 92.9 per cent. Most Albanians are Muslim and speak Albanian. The last census in Kosovo took place in 2011, excluding North Kosovo. The Serbs, the largest minority group in Kosovo, speak Serbian and are predominantly Orthodox Christians.

How many ethnic groups are in Kosovo?

Albanians form the majority in Kosovo, with over 97% of the total population; significant minorities include Bosniaks (1.6%), Serbs (0.01%) and others. A 2015 estimate put Kosovo’s population at 1,870,981. Kosovo has the youngest population in Europe.

What percentage of Kosovo is Serbian?

7.8 per cent
According to estimates based on 2010 and 2013 OSCE data, however, there were 146,128 Serbs living in Kosovo, making up 7.8 per cent of the total population – a much larger proportion that the 1.5 per cent estimate in the 2011 census.

What percentage of Kosovo is Albanian?

It concluded that there were now 1.97 million people in Kosovo, of whom 82.2 per cent were Albanians. In fact, the number actually in Kosovo was less because Yugoslav census figures included those working abroad and their families.

Are Kosovars Turkish?

The Turks in Kosovo, also known as Kosovo Turks, and Kosovan Turks, (Turkish: Kosova Türkleri) are the ethnic Turks who constitute a minority group in Kosovo….Areas of settlement.

Municipality Turks (2011 Census) % Turkish
Klokot 1 %
Skenderaj 1 %
Shtime 1 %
Kosovo total 18,738 1.1%

What country was Albania before?

A short-lived monarchical state known as the Principality of Albania (1914–1925) was succeeded by an even shorter-lived first Albanian Republic (1925–1928). Another monarchy, the Kingdom of Albania (1928–1939), replaced the republic. The country endured occupation by Italy just prior to World War II.