What equipment is used to handle cattle safely?

The size and complexity of a cattle handling facility depends on the number of animals in the herd. A good handling facility should contain the following components: headgate, holding or squeeze chute, working chute, crowding pen, holding pens, scales, and loading chute.

What are 5 tips for good livestock handling?

Temple’s Top Animal Handling Tips

  • Do calm down.
  • Do make first experiences pleasant.
  • Don’t keep animals penned alone.
  • Don’t select for temperament only.
  • Do move animals at a walk or trot.
  • Don’t use a hot shot.
  • Don’t fill the crowd pen too full.

What is the first rule of cattle handling?

Don’t work cattle from behind Unless it’s absolutely necessary, don’t work cattle from behind. Work to one side or the other instead. You should also move in straight lines to stimulate movement, predators use arch pattern.

What equipment do you need for a cow/calf operation?

Essential parts of the working facilities include (1) cattle pens,2) crowding pen, (3) working alley, (4) squeeze chute and head gate and (5) loading chute. Several optional items to consider are (1) scales, (2) palpation cage and (3) calf tilt table.

What should you not do around cows?

Cattle Handling Safety

  • Avoid quick movements or loud noises.
  • Be patient; never prod an animal when it has nowhere to go.
  • Move slowly and deliberately around livestock; gently touch animals rather than shoving or bumping them.
  • Always have an escape route when working with animals in close quarters.

What is a bud box for cattle?

The Bud Box is a small rectangular box that disorientates the cattle before trying to make them go through the system and into a chute. When handling cattle with a Bud Box, it requires the handler to be in the box to manage the animals and move them in the proper direction.

What is a calving pen?

One-time, individual calving pens provide space for individual attention and observation of cows during calving. A well-planned calving pen makes it possible to provide proper handling, cow restraint and treatment while minimizing pathogen exposure to the newborn calf.

How wide should an alley be for cattle?

For most cattle, an alley width of 28 inches at the top and 16 inches at the bottom works well on an alley 60 inches tall. Increase this width for large breeds and bulls. Curved alleys are more difficult to construct, but usually allow for better cattle movement.

How do you handle an aggressive cow?

If a bull stars to demonstrate signs of aggression, stop what you are doing, and get out of the pen. Exit slowly and calmly, keeping the bull in sight. Do not turn around and run. Many times, bulls stomp, put their head down, or arch their back before they attack.