What equipment is used in show jumping?
What equipment is used in show jumping?
Jumping: Riders wear a hunting cap, riding jackets, white shirt and choker (women) or shirt and tie (men), white breeches and black boots. The riders wear spurs and carry a crop. It is mandatory that all riders wear a fastened hard hat with three-point retention harness.
How big should a showjumping arena be?
20,000 square feet
A competition sized standard dressage arena is 20 meters by 60 meters (12,915 square feet) while a jumping arena may need to be 100′ by 200′ (20,000 square feet) to accommodate a full course.
What are the names of horse equipment?
This equipment includes such items as saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, and harnesses. Equipping a horse is often referred to as tacking up. A room to store such equipment, usually near or in a stable, is a tack room.
What does a horse need for jumping?
Both you and your horse need to have a solid foundation on the flat (walk, trot, and canter) before jumping. A great way to think about jumping is flatwork with speed bumps. It may seem counterintuitive, but flatwork is the key to jumping.
What kind of sand do you use for riding arena?
Riding arena surfaces should contain cleaned and screened, medium to coarse, hard, sharp sand. Fine sand will break down more readily into small enough particles to be lofted as dust. “Cleaned” means the material has been washed of silt and clay, making the sand less compactable and less dusty.
What are jump poles made out of?
Predominantly used in throughout the Showjumping industry. Made from Heartwood timber they are suitable for training and unaffiliated or affiliated competition. Regular poles will have slight bends or minor splits that have been filled prior to painting.
How long is a Showjump pole?
Therefore weights given are an approximation only. Our poles come in four different lengths: 3mtr is the standard length pole, so please bear in mind if you purchase the smaller length poles i.e. 1.8mtr and 2mtr poles that they are skinnies.
How do you set up a jumping grid?
1. Simple grid
- Set up a placing pole, followed by a small cross pole approximately 2.5 metres (or three normal human steps) after the placing pole.
- The canter poles should be set one horse stride apart from each other, and the jump should be one stride after the final pole.
What is a horse harness called?
horse collar, device of leather, or leather and metal, encircling a horse’s neck, to which traces are attached, used to hitch the animal to a wagon or plow. A Dutch collar consists of a broad band across the chest and a narrow band over the withers; traces are attached to the broad band.