What episode of The Next Step Does Emily get hurt?

It’s the finals, but The Next Step only has 9 dancers, as Emily has injured her knee. Amanda volunteered to dance in her place, but what will the judges decide?

What injury did Emily have in The Next Step?

Emily injures her knee in the semi-final round at Nationals, effectively ending her dance career forever. Needing to move on, Emily attends business school and graduates at the top of her class.

Why did Riley leave The Next Step?

Riley was attacked by a chicken when she was younger, resulting in her ongoing alektorophobia. A young Riley dances on-stage. Riley used to play baseball, but eventually quit after choosing dance over it.

Who did James cheat on Riley with in The Next Step?

James puts the clues together once he finally sees her face-to-face, and Riley reveals that the person she cheated on James with is Alfie. Although James quickly forgives her, Riley breaks up with James, deeming their flawed relationship a distraction. after which, James kisses her.

Do Emily and Hunter get back together?

But, as time progresses and the plan begins to work in Hunter’s favour, Emily realizes that she has developed feelings for Hunter. She is ecstatic when these feelings are returned, and commences a romantic relationship with him.

What episode does Richelle get hurt?

Pointe of No Return

Season Episode
5 20

Do Emily and Hunter get together?

How old was Riley when she started The Next Step?

For example, Riley is made studio head. To begin with, the character can be at most 17, as she is younger than her sister Emily who is 17 in Season 4.

How old is Riley in The Next Step season 4?

Are Riley and James in season 5?

Fan-favourites Brittany Raymond (Riley), Trevor Tordjman (James), Taveeta Szymanowicz (Thalia) and Isaac Lupien (Eldon) will make guest appearances throughout the season.