What Enneagram type is Kelly Kapoor?
What Enneagram type is Kelly Kapoor?
Kelly Kapoor is a Type 7 (The Enthusiast) with a Type 8 wing (The Challenger) Type Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous.
What Enneagram is Rachel from Friends?
Type 3 – Rachel Green – The Performer Rachel Green, although seemingly very dependent on her father at first, is extremely confident, driven, and conscious of how other people see her. Her obsession with her appearance can come across as a projection of what she thinks others want to see in her.
What Enneagram is Belle?
Belle is fairly universally considered to be an Enneagram Type 5. Known as The Investigators, these people are genuine, inquisitive, and selfless.
What Enneagram is Ron Swanson?
5 — Ron Swanson. Fives withdraw to their own private world, and take a detached, unaffected point of view. Fives feel drained by too much contact and commitment. Fives are often very intellectual (a “head type”), and seek safety in knowledge and information.
What MBTI is Kelly Kapoor?
ENFJ: Kelly Kapoor Like a typical ENFJ, Kelly is filled with passion and is a very social person. She’s usually in a good mood and ready to have a great time, even at work.
What Enneagram is Lorelai Gilmore?
Enneagram 7
Lorelai Gilmore is an Enneagram 7.
What is Harry Potter’s Enneagram?
Type 8
Harry Potter: Type 8 At the start of his journey, Harry Potter is shy, quiet and unsure of himself. However, through the course of the Harry Potter series, he develops into a strong Enneagram Type 8. Harry Potter’s Enneagram type is confident and assertive.
What Enneagram type is Chandler?
Which Enneagram type is Chandler Bing? Chandler Bing is an Enneagram Six personality type with a Seven wing. Enneagram Sixes belong to the head centre, along with Fives and Sevens, and they naturally make decisions based on analysis.
What Enneagram is Tinkerbell?
Disney characters who would be Eights are Merida and Tinkerbell. Peacemaker (Type 9): Most of my friends are type Nines, so I know a lot about this one. Nines are easygoing and peaceful, and they value their relationships with others.
What is Elsa’s Enneagram?
Type 1 – Elsa Elsa is the archetypal enneagram Type 1, “The Reformer.” Although she’s not technically a princess, Elsa is a perfect match for the traits that define this personality type. A purpose-driven perfectionist, Elsa is constantly trying to improve the world around her for the better.
What personality type is Leslie Knope?
Leslie Knope – ESFJ Leslie is an ESFJ, the Consul personality. These individuals are jugglers, actively trying to take on as much as they can for the sake of the care, wealth, happiness, and safety of others.