What Dr Who episodes are lost?

List of missing episodes

Doctor (Missing) Season Serial
Second (53) 4 The Faceless Ones
The Evil of the Daleks
5 The Abominable Snowmen

How many episodes of Dr Who was Christopher Eccleston in?

Eccleston’s run lasted for 13 episodes, and ended with the Ninth Doctor regenerating into David Tennant, who gave fans one of the most iconic incarnations of the character.

How much classic Doctor Who lost?

Of the 253 episodes of Doctor Who produced by the BBC between 1963 and 1969, 97 are missing.

Why do shows have lost episodes?

In most instances, these episodes were lost due to the cost-cutting measures of TV studios who were less concerned with keeping a complete archive than they were with re-using available video tape.

Why was Doctor Who only 6 episodes?

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Doctor Who had to take several measures to get the season in the can. That includes significantly reducing the episode count. While Seasons 11 and 12 (the first two with Jodie Whitaker) had ten episodes, Season 13 was reduced to 6.

Did the 9th Doctor Love Rose?

To some, companion Rose Tyler was the greatest love of the Doctor’s life. He seemed to have a closer bond with her than almost anyone he’d travelled with before, and as time went on it was increasingly clear that she was deeply in love with him.

Who was the best Doctor Who?

Ushering in a Golden Age of Doctor Who, David Tennant is takes the number one spot. Widely considered the most popular Doctor ever, Tennant brought a whole new audience to the already beloved show.

How did BBC lose Doctor Who episodes?

The BBC Deleted Their Own History They didn’t store videotapes in that Library, and “Doctor Who” episodes were filmed using a mix of film and video. While assembling the final episodes, they were transferred to 16 mm films by BBC Enterprises to sell copies to other countries.