What dorms do freshman live in at Kent State University?
What dorms do freshman live in at Kent State University?
All students are eligible for a single room at Kent State University. Singles are available in Leebrick Hall and Centennial Court C. Freshmen and sophomores are welcome to reside in Leebrick Hall (floors 8-12), while students attaining sophomore status and beyond are also eligible for Centennial Court C.
Does Kent State require freshmen to live on campus?
All undergraduate students are required to live on campus, unless they meet the conditions for Off-Campus Housing.
Which Kent State dorms have private bathrooms?
Private Bathrooms. Centennial Courts B, D, E, F, Johnson Hall, and Stopher Hall rooms have private bathrooms.
What comes in a Kent State dorm room?
Each residence hall room on campus comes furnished with the following items:
- Bed (Visit the Lofting Furniture page for lofting instructions)
- Mattress (extra-long twin 36″x 80″)
- Desk and chair.
- Dresser.
- Shelves.
- Closet.
- High speed wireless internet connection.
- Fridge/freezer/microwave unit (except for Leebrick Hall)
How big are single dorms?
Dorm rooms at colleges and universities average around 12 by 19 feet. This is approximately 228 square feet of actual living space. That’s about the size of a one-car garage.
Can you choose your roommate at Kent State?
The housing application provides an area to request another individual to be your roommate. There is space to request up to three individuals (the first space should be used for your roommate request if you are interested in a double room.
Are Kent State dorms coed?
Each floor is coed by room with semi-private bathrooms on each floor. The area service desk is located in the Tri-Towers rotunda. Rooms are air-conditioned. All halls are accessible for students with disabilities.
What are pod bathrooms in dorms?
Pod bathrooms are a set of individual bathrooms that are grouped together in a “pod” on the hallway. Each pod bathroom is for private use and residents are able lock the door to the bathroom upon entering the space. Pod bathrooms are equipped with shower and toilet fixtures.
How much is room and board at Kent State?
Undergraduate Student tuition guarantee COHORT RATES 2021-2022
TUITION/FEES * | $11,923 | $6,751 |
BOOKS AND SUPPLIES | $1,200 | $1,200 |
ROOM/BOARD ** | $12,412 | $3,312 |
PERSONAL EXPENSES | $1,867 | $1,893 |
Does Kent State drug test?
Kent State University is committed to maintaining a drug-free campus.
Does Kent State have free laundry?
Kent State University is currently contracted with CSC ServiceWorks Inc. Each residence hall or hall complex is equipped with high-efficiency, 20 lb. capacity washing and drying machines. These machines will operate at no additional cost to you.