What does XL mean on tyres?

This means there needs to be different types of tyres, as the tyres used for a large vehicle, an SUV or a fully loaded transporter have to take more weight than those of a normal car. XL tyres have been especially developed for use with heavy loads. Generally speaking, the tyre name XL is used for heavy duty tyres.

What does V or W mean on tyres?

H: 130mph. V: 149mph. Z: 150+ mph. W: 168mph. Y: 186mph.

What is W speed rating on tyres?

The speed rating is displayed on the tyre’s sidewall, after the load rating. In this example, the car’s speed rating is W, which indicates that it has been legally approved for use up to 168 mph.

Is it worth getting XL tyres?

Are there other advantages to XL tyres? When an XL tyre is run at the pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, it will last longer. These tyres are considered to have greater grip and better traction. Because they are more rigid, they will corner better and maintain stability.

Do XL tires ride rough?

XL tires produce more noise than standard tires. It can lead to an uncomfortable driving experience.

Should I get H or T-rated tires?

H-Rated Tires: This is a perfect, average tire for most sedans and commuter vehicles. It might not seem to fit in our chart, but the tire speed rating “H” is rated for up to 130 mph. T-Rated Tires: This tire is often recommended for family sedans and vans. It’s rated for up to 118 mph.

What does 94w mean on tires?

The letter W denotes the maximum speed rating, which translates 168 mph—not something intended for mom’s minivan. See our list of speed ratings below, which range from a low of “L” (just 75 mph for some off-road tires) to a high of Y (186 mph).

What load range is XL?

@ 42 PSI

Load Range and Ply Rating
Load Range Ply Rating Max Load Carrying Air Pressure
Standard Load (SL) 4 @ 36 PSI
Extra Load (XL) 4 @ 42 PSI
C1 6 @ 50 PSI