What does Woorari mean?
What does Woorari mean?
Definition of WOORARI: a plant yielding curare, also WOORALI, WOORARA [n -S] curare (an arrow poison) [n WOORARIS]
What does the word curare mean?
Medical Definition of curare : a dried aqueous extract especially of a vine (as Strychnos toxifera of the family Loganiaceae or Chondodendron tomentosum of the family Menispermaceae) that produces muscle relaxation and is used in arrow poisons by South American Indians — compare tubocurarine.
How do you make curare?
Curare is prepared by boiling the bark of one of the dozens of plant alkaloid sources, leaving a dark, heavy paste that can be applied to arrow or dart heads. Historically, curare has been used as an effective treatment for tetanus or strychnine poisoning and as a paralyzing agent for surgical procedures.
Is there an antidote to curare?
The antidote for curare poisoning is an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor (anti-cholinesterase), such as physostigmine or neostigmine.
What is curare used for?
Curare, a selective skeletal muscle relaxant, has been used clinically to reduce shivering and as an anesthetic auxiliary in abdominal surgery. It is also widely used in animal experiments to block neuromuscular junction activity.
What does curare look like?
Crude curare is a resinous dark brown to black mass with a sticky to hard consistency and an aromatic, tarry odour.
Is curare still used today?
Curare is the historical prototype of nondepolarization neuromuscular blockers, but it is no longer used clinically. Curare (also called D-tubocurare) was the first paralytic used in anesthesia, but it has been replaced by newer agents. It was introduced to anesthesia around 1940.
How does curare cause death?
As a potent muscle relaxant, curare can cause death quickly by inducing asphyxia due to rapid relaxation of diaphragmatic muscles. According to one source, death from respiratory arrest can take place within a few minutes in birds and small prey, and up to 20 min in larger mammals.
What does Mirthfulness mean?
a mood characterized by high spirits and amusement and often accompanied by laughter. the mirthfulness of the revelers was contagious, and pretty soon everyone in the bar was laughing and singing.
What is a curare in psychology?
n. any of various toxic plant extracts, especially extracts from plants of the genus Strychnos. Curare and related compounds exert their effects by blocking the activity of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions, resulting in paralysis.