What does wide grip barbell curls work?

A wide grip barbell curl is any barbell curl with a supinated or underhand grip wider than the shoulders. Like the regular grip and narrow grip curls, the wide grip curl targets the muscles of the forearms and biceps. Most importantly, it targets the inner or short head of the bicep muscles.

How wide should your grip be on barbell curls?

Wide Grip: Any grip beyond shoulder-width is considered wide for the barbell curl, but about 6 inches wider than shoulder-width is average. A wide grip places more emphasis on the short head of the biceps brachii.

Are wide grip curls better?

While the narrow grip is great for focusing on the long head for better peak development, the standard shoulder-width grip hits both heads and the wide grip not only hits the short head best, but also allows you to go a bit heavier for placing greater overload on the biceps.

What part of the bicep do wide grip curls work?

short head
Just as the Close Grip Curl more heavily targets the outside of your biceps, the Wide Grip Curl more heavily targets the inside of your biceps; also known as the short head. By more heavily targeting the short head of the biceps, you’ll add more lateral girth and thickness to your upper-arm.

How can I grow my outer biceps?

The best outer bicep exercises are the dumbbell hammer curl, concentration curl, incline dumbbell curl, narrow grip barbell curl, and barbell drag curl. Also, include technique modifications to further target the outer bicep like ensuring your elbows are behind your body and narrowing your grip width.

Are close grip curls harder?

Close grip curls emphasize the long (outer) head of the biceps, whereas wide grip curls prioritize the short (inner) head. You can typically lift a bit more weight on wide curls. Close grip curls tend to produce a stronger peak contraction because your biceps are in a shorter muscle position.

How do I make my bicep curls wider?

Stand up straight and hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides. Externally rotate your shoulders so that your elbows are tucked into your sides. Curl the dumbbells toward your shoulders until your forearms and biceps make firm contact. Pause at the top of the rep for a second and squeeze your biceps.

Which is better EZ bar or straight bar?

EZ bar vs straight bar: The key differences The EZ bar puts less pressure on your wrists and forearms. The straight bar is better for activating your biceps because it puts your forearms in full supination. You can typically lift a bit heavier on barbell curls.

Why arent my biceps wide?

There are two main training errors people make that keep their biceps from growing. These are overtraining the biceps (often unintentionally) and a lack of variation in training techniques. Adding additional biceps focused workouts and trying multiple biceps exercises doesn’t work.

How do I add girth to my arms?

6 Keys to Wider and Thicker Arms

  1. Focus on the Pump, Rather Than Presses. This is arguably the most important tip for building bigger arms.
  2. Don’t Forget Your Triceps.
  3. Preacher curls.
  4. Standing bicep curls.
  5. Give Your Forearms Some Love.
  6. Wrist curls.
  7. Reverse wrist curls.
  8. Eat Right to Get Big.

How do I get the best pump?

To maximize your muscle pump, try these tips:

  1. Do high-volume weightlifting instead of high-load weightlifting. More muscle contraction means more reason for your body to send blood to those muscles.
  2. Hydrate before and during lifting weights.
  3. Eat carbs before you work out.
  4. Utilize supersets and tri-sets.