What does wheat germ agglutinin label?

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is a carbohydrate-binding lectin that has high affinity for sialic acid and N-acetylglucosamine moieties of glycoproteins. As a result, WGA conjugates will label yeast bud scars and the cell membrane of gram+ bacteria and mammalian cells.

What kind of molecule does wheat germ agglutinin WGA bind to?

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is a lectin that protects wheat (Triticum) from insects, yeast and bacteria. An agglutinin protein, it binds to N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and Sialic acid.

What is wheat germ agglutinin IGG?

Optimal Result: 0 – 1 ELISA Index. Wheat Germ Agglutinin is a protein which is part of a family called Agglutinins and Lectins. They basically are sticky substances that either stick onto other substances or make separate things stick together.

Where is wheat germ acid phosphatase found?

Commercial wheat germ acid phosphatase (WGAP) is extracted from the germ/embryo of wheat plants and is commonly used in vitro in many biochemistry laboratories.

What is WGA used for?

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), which binds to glycoproteins of the cell membrane, is routinely used for the staining of skeletal and cardiac sarcolemma to determine cross sectional area or myocyte density. In this context we observed that WGA also labeled fibrotic tissue in cardiac sections after myocardial infarction.

What is PNA staining?

PNA lectin is a widely used histological fluorescent stain and is labeled with our superior CF® dyes. It is specific for terminal β-galactose and binds preferentially to the commonly occurring structure, galactosyl (β-1,3) N-acetylgalactosamine.

Is WGA cell permeable?

PhenoVue Fluor 488 – and 594 – WGA are not cell-permeable, therefore fixed but non-permeabilized cells exhibit plasma membrane staining, whereas additional permeabilization step enables staining of cytoplasmic membranes such as Golgi apparatus.

What does high wheat IgG mean?

High values of Wheat IgG could be related to Wheat sensitivity due to lack of digestive enzymes. Possible treatment option: Wheat-free diet. ———————– When IgA reactions are predominant, it is an indication of possible Celiac disease and other autoimmunities.

What does high anti gliadin IgA mean?

What does it mean if your Anti-gliadin IgA result is too high? The presence of fecal antigliadin antibodies can indicate an immune response (in the gut) to gluten in the diet. Gliadin is a component of gluten, the protein found in wheat and other field grass grains such as barley, malt, and rye.

What is wheat germ phosphatase?

Wheat germ acid phosphatase (WGAP) is a commercial preparation of partially purified protein commonly used in laboratory settings for non-specific enzymatic dephosphorylation. It is known that these preparations contain multiple phosphatase isozymes and are still relatively crude.

What is the role of acid phosphatase in wheat germ?

Cat No. Acid phosphatases (APase) are a family of enzymes that non-specifically catalyze the hydrolysis of monoesters and anhydrides of phosphoric acid to produce inorganic phosphate at an optimum pH of 4 to 7.

What foods contain WGA?

Lectin activity has been demonstrated in wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn and rice, however the best studied of the cereal grain lectins is WGA [38]. The highest WGA concentrations are found in wheat germ (up to 0.5 g/kg [39]).