What does Vmbo mean in Dutch?

Preparatory vocational secondary education
Dutch education system

mavo/lbo (now: vmbo) Preparatory vocational secondary education 4 yrs
mbo Senior secondary vocational education and training 1-4 yrs
havo Senior general secondary education 5 yrs
vwo University preparatory education 6 yrs

What comes after Vmbo Netherlands?

It is possible for pupils who have attained the VMBO diploma to attend the final two years of HAVO level education and sit the HAVO exam, and for pupils with a HAVO diploma to attend the final two years of VWO level education and sit the VWO exam.

How long is a Dutch school day?

Usually, school starts between 8:30 and 8:45, and ends between 15:00 and 15:15. There is a lunch break for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, during which the children can either go home or have lunch at school (overblijven/TSO).

How good are Dutch schools?

Dutch universities are known to be among the best universities in the world, competing with other famous UK and U.S. universities. You could say Netherlands is one of the top non-English speaking countries where you can study abroad, get quality education and find loads of degrees taught in English.

What is VMBO English?

VMBO is a four-year programme offering theoretical and practical courses.

What is 10th grade in the Netherlands?

Netherlands. In The Netherlands, the 10th grade (based on the level of compulsory secondary education) is the last (VMBO), second to last (HAVO), or fourth out of six (VWO) grades of high school.

What is Vmbo English?

Is homeschooling legal in Holland?

Homeschooling is not explicitly recognized by Dutch law. At the local level, the Municipal Executive Council checks whether pupils subject to compulsory education are attending schools in their municipalities and have primary responsibility for executing this Act, both for public and for nongovernmental education.

Is Dutch school Hard?

The Dutch education system compared to the American is a bit more relaxed in regards to class assignments but more strict in regards to grading. It’s often difficult to attain high marks, and you get fewer assignments than you would in an American school.

What is school age in Netherlands?

In the Netherlands, education is compulsory for children from the age of five to 16. However, most children begin their education at age four. Dutch elementary or primary school has eight grades, known as groepen. These range from Groep 1 (4-year olds) to Groep 8 (12-year olds).

Is school in Netherlands hard?