What does valet and detailing mean?

We found out that valeting means “to clean the bodywork and interior of a car as a professional service”. On the other hand, Dictionary.com defines detailing as “the process of thoroughly cleaning the interior and exterior of a vehicle and doing minor repairs to improve its appearance”.

What do Valeters do?

Car valeting is the process of cleaning, polishing and waxing an auto-mobile in order to achieve an as-new look and enhance the resale value. This usually includes cleaning the wheels & shuts, washing, polishing and waxing the bodywork, dressing exterior plastics and tyres, polishing brightwork and polishing the glass.

What do Valeters use on car interior?

Foam car shampoo (if fabric seats), or leather cleaner (if leather seats) Wax. Two buckets. A stiff brush.

What does full valet mean?

Typically, a “mini-valet” will include an exterior wash and quick tidy up of the interior. Full valets usually include a deeper clean of the exterior and interior, as well as the application of a wax or sealant to the paintwork, and a tire and trim dressing to the exterior plastic and rubber.

How much do mobile car Valeters earn UK?

Mobile valeters can make good money without too much effort. You can easily make £600 – £800 per week without working too hard. Think of it this way – A mini valet costs the customer around £20 – £30 depending on the size of the vehicle. It takes around one hour to complete.

Is it worth getting your car Valeted?

However, if you are a car enthusiast or you need to make sure that your car is kept clean and tidy no matter what, you should definitely consider a valet service. It might not be the cheapest part of car maintenance but the ability to return to that new car smell is one which many people love.

How often should you valet your car?

So, how often should it be valeted? To stop dirt and grime building up on the bodywork, we recommend washing your car at least once a fortnight and then having a full valet every 2/3 months. When we say fortnightly, we’re just referring to a quick ‘wash and dry’ and possibly a vacuum.

Is mobile valeting a good business?

Aside from the demand and the excellent potential earnings, mobile car valeting is an incredibly flexible job. You can choose when to work whenever you want. This is especially true with when you have a reasonably large regular customer base as you can clean their cars as they work, which is generally 5 times a week.

Is car valeting hard work?

Cleaning cars is hard work, often involving awkward positions, repetitive movements and kneeling. Employees are at risk of sprains and strains, but this risk can be reduced by taking reasonable measures.

What is the difference between a mini valet and a full valet?

If your vehicle requires a deeper clean, then you will need a full valet service to bring it back to like-new condition. If you need to maintain the appearance of your vehicle then a mini valet is best for you.