What does ultramicroscope mean?

Definition of ultramicroscope : an apparatus for making visible by scattered light particles too small to be perceived by an ordinary microscope.

What does the term Ultra mean?

beyond in space
prefix. Definition of ultra- (Entry 3 of 3) 1 : beyond in space : on the other side : trans- ultraviolet. 2 : beyond the range or limits of : transcending : super- ultramicroscopic. 3 : beyond what is ordinary, proper, or moderate : excessively : extremely ultramodern.

Is ultra a word Wordle?

What is the Wordle answer 238? (February 12, 2022) The Wordle answer 238 is “ULTRA.” “ULTRA” is a noun that means “an extremist” or “short for ultramarathon.” It’s also used as a prefix to mean “to an extreme degree; very” or “beyond; on the other side of.” (Definition from Oxford Languages.)

What does prefix microscopic mean?

The prefix micro- means ‘small’. For example, something that is ‘microbic’ refers to a very tiny organism, such as a bacterium, which can’t be seen by the human eye without magnification. You can see the prefix micro- in use in words such as microscope, microlith, microfilm, microbar, and microbiologist.

How does a ultramicroscope work?

ultramicroscope, microscope arrangement used to study colloidal-size particles that are too small to be visible in an ordinary light microscope. The particles, usually suspended in a liquid, are illuminated with a strong light beam perpendicular to the optical axis of the microscope.

Who invented ultramicroscope?

Richard Zsigmondy
In 1902 Richard Zsigmondy introduced an idea that led to the ultramicroscope, which makes it possible to observe very small particles by illuminating the preparation being studied in a direction that is perpendicular to the viewing angle.

What does Ultra mean in Latin?

Ultra means “beyond” in Latin, and its meaning of “outside the norm” comes from the French word ultra-royaliste, or “extreme royalist.” Eventually, it was shortened to just ultra, to describe any extreme opinion. Definitions of ultra. adjective. (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm. “an ultra conservative …

What is the opposite of Ultra?

Antonyms for ultra. middle-of-the-road, nonrevolutionary, unrevolutionary.

What is today’s February 12 word?

The Wordle for February 12 is ULTRA.

Is microscopic a real word?

so small as to be invisible or indistinct without the use of the microscope: microscopic organisms.

What is the Greek word of micro?

Micro (Greek letter μ (U+03BC) or the legacy symbol µ (U+00B5)) is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of 10−6 (one millionth). Confirmed in 1960, the prefix comes from the Greek μικρός (mikrós), meaning “small”.