What does TTY on iPhone mean?

Teletype (TTY) machines are used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing to communicate by typing and reading text. If you have the iPhone TTY Adapter, available at www.apple.com/store, you can use iPhone with a TTY machine.

How do I get my iPhone out of RTT mode?

All replies. Settings, accessibility, RTT/TTY, turn off there. To disable it, tap on Settings > Accessibility > RTT/TTY, and then, turn off both the “Software RTT/TTY” & “Hardware TTY” options. You’re welcome!

What does TTY Full mean on a cell phone?

Full TTY means that there is text-only communication on both sides of the phone call. HCO stands for “Hearing Carry-Over” which means that you hear a voice read the incoming text and you type the outgoing text.

What is the difference between RTT and TTY?

While TTY requires users to send messages in turn, each RTT text character is transmitted in real time, enabling “a conversational flow of communication” simultaneously with voice. RTT works on both Android and iOS smartphones with updated operating systems and doesn’t require specialized equipment.

What is the purpose of RTT call?

Real-time text (RTT) lets you use text to communicate during a phone call. RTT works with TTY and doesn’t require any additional accessories.

What is the purpose of real time text?

What does RTT mean on my iPhone?

real-time text
If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can communicate by telephone using Teletype (TTY) or real-time text (RTT)—protocols that transmit text as you type and allow the recipient to read the message right away. RTT is a more advanced protocol that transmits audio as you type text.

How do you merge calls without the other person knowing?

Tap “Hold Call + Answer”. This will mute your current conversation and put it on hold. Select “merge call” to add the incoming call to the conference call….To do this:

  1. Tap > near the top of the screen.
  2. Tap the green Private to the right of the individual’s name.
  3. Press “merge calls” to rejoin the conference call.