What does Théoden say at death?

In the film The Return of the King, Théoden says goodbye to Éowyn in person, saying, “I go to my fathers in whose mighty company I shall not now feel ashamed.” He then whispers his daughter’s name, dying with his final statement unsaid. In the book, Théoden doesn’t realize that Éowyn is nearby.

What does Théoden say before the charge?

Théoden just says “Ride now! Ride to Gondor!” before their charge at Minas Tirith. Théoden says the first variant to the Riders of Rohan at Edoras as he did in the book, in full.

Is Saruman’s death a deleted scene?

1 Saruman’s Death He’s a huge figure in the first two films, but then he pretty much disappears from the narrative. This is because his big death scene in Return of the King was deleted and saved for the extended edition. The scene itself isn’t the most magnificent one.

What does Gandalf say when Théoden is crying?

‘Verily,’ said Gandalf, now in a loud voice, keen and clear, ‘that way lies our hope, where sits our greatest fear. Doom hangs still on a thread. Yet hope is still, if we can but stand unconquered for a little while.

What does Theodens speech mean?

It means a day of battle (swords and blood) before the sun rises.

What did Theoden say to Eowyn?

Why did Theoden say to Eowyn “Take up my seat in the Golden Hall” if Eomer became King anyway? If I remember correctly that was before the battle of the Pelennor Fields. Theoden and Eomer were both off to war and thus couldn’t govern Rohan. So Eowyn was the next logical choice.

What does Theoden speech mean?

What does Rohirrim shout death?

“Death! Ride, ride to ruin and the world’s ending!” The Rohirrim echo him, roaring “Death” as they sweep onwards; having lost their king and their new king’s sister, as well as many riders, they have no care for their wellbeing.

Why did they cut Saruman’s death scene?

Jackson’s reasons for cutting Saruman’s demise were twofold; firstly, to pare down a film that was already testing the limits of how long a person can comfortably sit on a theater seat, and secondly because of the narrative flow.

Why didn’t they show Saruman’s death?

It’s understandable why Saruman’s scouring of the Shire wasn’t filmed because it would have fatigued audiences who already invested three hours in the main story. Saruman’s demise may have not made it to theaters, but the behind-the-scenes story about the scene still added to the legend of Christopher Lee.

What does Gandalf say to Théoden at Theodred’s grave?

His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers.” Gandalf: “Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu.” (Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred, go-thou.)

What does Westu Hal mean?

good health to you
Probably the best known OE phrase Tolkien borrowed, and one which is fun to use with friends, is the greeting Wes þu hal. It means roughly ‘good health to you’. The archaic word ‘wassail’ comes from it and Tolkien uses a modern spelling form in the phrase – ‘Westu Théoden hal’