What does the word hobnail boots mean?
What does the word hobnail boots mean?
: a heavy boot with short nails driven into the bottom to protect against wear.
What does Arogated mean?
1a : to claim or seize without justification. b : to make undue claims to having : assume. 2 : to claim on behalf of another : ascribe. Other Words from arrogate Synonyms Did you know? Example Sentences Learn More About arrogate.
What does it mean to arrogate yourself?
verb (used with object), ar·ro·gat·ed, ar·ro·gat·ing. to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right: to arrogate the right to make decisions.
What is boot ring?
Definition of ring boot : a rubber ring placed around the fetlock of a horse to prevent injury from brushing, cutting, or interfering.
What is hobnail pattern?
A term referring to the bumpy nodularity separated by broad trabecular scars seen on the liver surface in posthepatitis cirrhosis.
What does belabor mean in the dictionary?
verb (used with object) to explain, worry about, or work at (something) repeatedly or more than is necessary: He kept belaboring the point long after we had agreed. to assail persistently, as with scorn or ridicule: a book that belabors the provincialism of his contemporaries. to beat vigorously; ply with heavy blows.
What does it mean to renounce someone?
verb. 1. Renounce is defined as to give up a claim, belief, a practice or to refuse further association with someone.
How do you use arrogate in a sentence?
- They’ve arrogated to themselves the power to change the rules arbitrarily.
- She arrogated the leadership role to herself.
Is Fenton Glass worth anything?
Fenton’s carnival glass was first marketed as the “golden sunset iridescent assortment” in catalogs. In 1907 when these pieces first sold, they cost 85 cents. A Fenton autumn acorns bowl averages for about $65. You can find some selling for as much as $150.