What does the Vault Boy headlamp do?

Headlamps are used to complement the Pip-Boy’s ultra-bright light, which illuminates the area surrounding the Sole Survivor.

How do I turn on power armor headlamp?

On the PC version you hold down the TAB key – for Playstation 4 you hold the O button and for Xbox you hold the B button. This is the same button as to bring up the Pip Boy (although in that instance you press rather than hold).

How do you turn on the mining helmet in Fallout 4?

When equipped, the mining helmet’s headlamp can be activated by pressing and holding the Pip-Boy button.

How do you use the flashlight in the power armor in Fallout 76?

By holding the B/Circle Button you can turn on your flashlight whether you are in power armor or not. It’s important to note that you must hold the button for a couple of seconds to access the flashlight. If you tap the B/Circle Button it will open your Pip Boy Menu instead.

Can flashlight use power armor?

Another crucial bit of information to stress is that you can use the flashlight regardless of if you have the power armor or not. However, you must have the helmet of your power armor equipped for the flashlight to work.

Where can I get a hard hat in Fallout 4?


  1. On a shelf in the ruined hardware store across the street from the Museum of Freedom in Concord.
  2. On a digger inside Park Street station.
  3. Many inside lockers at the Weston water treatment plant.
  4. On top of the ice box at the Red Rocket truck stop.
  5. Four in the Cambridge Polymer Labs.
  6. Worn by Abbot.

How do you flash headlights?

You should be able to flash your headlights in five easy steps.

  1. Locate the light signal on your car.
  2. Turn on the lights in your vehicle.
  3. Pull or push the light signal away from or toward you.
  4. Bring the light signal back to the starting position.