What does the TOWRE-2 Test?

The Test of Word Reading Efficiency–Second Edition (TOWRE-2; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 2012) is designed to measure fluency in sight word reading and phonetic decoding skills for individuals aged 6 to 24.

How long does it take to administer the TOWRE-2?

approximately 5 minutes
If only one form of each test is used, the test can be administered in approximately 5 minutes, including time for directions and practice items. The TOWRE-2 was normed on over 1,700 individuals ranging in age from 6 to 24 years and residing in 12 states and Washington, DC.

What does TOWRE stand for?

Test of Word Reading Efficiency, Second Edition (TOWRE-2) is a measure of an individual’s ability to pronounce printed words and phonemically regular nonwords accurately and fluently.

What type of assessment is TOWRE?

The TOWRE-2 is a quick and reliable way to assess efficiency of sight word recognition and phonemic decoding in children and adults. It provides professionals in schools and clinics with a reliable and valid measure of fluency and accuracy of print-based word-reading skills.

What assessments are used to diagnose dyslexia?

Rapid Automatic Naming/Rapid Automatic Stimulus (RAN/RAS)

  • Test of Auditory Processing Skills (TAPS)
  • Test of Early Written Language (TEWL)
  • Test of Pragmatic Language (TOPL)
  • Test of Written Language -4 (TOWL-4)
  • Test of Written Spelling -5 (TWS-5)
  • Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (WRMT)
  • Word Test.
  • What does the Ctopp 2 measure?

    CTOPP-2 is a measure of phonological awarenes, phonological memory, and naming. The assessment features all new normative data and a new phonological awareness subtest: Phoneme Isolation.

    Who can administer the TOWL-4?

    The issued of sensitivity, specificity, false positives, and bias have been addressed. The TOWL-4 can be administered to individuals or groups in 60-90 minutes. Nationally stratified norms (from 2505 individuals) are now age-based and grade-based.

    What is the Gort 5?

    Gray Oral Reading Test | Fifth Edition Gray Oral Reading Test Fifth Edition (GORT-5) is one of the most widely used measures of oral reading fluency and comprehension in the United States.

    What does tomal 2 assess?

    Definition. The Test of Memory and Learning – second edition (TOMAL-2) is an assessment of immediate verbal and nonverbal memory with a delay recall component for verbal memory.

    Who can administer the TOWL 4?