What does the Hebrew word Minhag mean?

Definition of minhag 1 : Jewish religious custom. 2 : the form of Hebrew liturgy prevailing in a particular community. 3 : local Jewish religious practices not specified in the Talmud or medieval rabbinical codes but having authority through long observance.

Why is Halakhah important to Jews?

Halakha not only guides religious practices and beliefs, it also guides numerous aspects of day-to-day life. Historically, in the Jewish diaspora, halakha served many Jewish communities as an enforceable avenue of law – both civil and religious, since no differentiation of them exists in classical Judaism.

What is a Musar in Judaism?

Musar, a religious movement among Orthodox Jews of Lithuania during the 19th century that emphasized personal piety as a necessary complement to intellectual studies of the Torah and Talmud.

What is rabbinical law?

Rabbinic law contains legal rulings and analysis, and deals with both practical and theoretical issues. It includes ritual, civil, criminal, and marital law. Its sources include rabbinic biblical exegesis, custom and tradition, rabbinic legislation, and various types of logical reasoning.

How do you spell Minhag?

noun, plural min·ha·gim [Sephardic Hebrew meen-hah-geem; Ashkenazic Hebrew min-hah-gim].

How do I learn Halacha?

The best way to learn Halacha is by learning the Gemora and Poskim, however, for various reasons this is not always practical for everyone. Alternatives must be sought. This Sefer is a digest of the Halachos found in Book II of the Mishnah Berurah. This Sefer can serve in three areas.

Who started Mussar?

Alan Morinis
Alan Morinis, the founder of the Mussar Institute, recommends morning meditation practices that can be as short as four minutes.

What are the Mussar Middot?

What is Mussar? Rabbi Susan Goldberg explains Mussar, the spiritual wisdom and a discipline of transformative practices. The foundations of Mussar are the middot, the deepest values, soul traits of our tradition – Ometz Lev (Courage) Bitachon (Trust) Anavah (Humility) Rachamim (Compassion) and so many more.

What is meant by pikuach nefesh?

Pikuach nefesh is the concept that saving a human life is more important than any mitzvot . It is belief in the sanctity of life . Life is holy and belongs to God, which means that only he can give it and only he can take it.