What does the DNA sliding clamp do?

The sliding clamp is a ring-shaped protein that encircles duplex DNA, binds to the DNA polymerase and tethers it to the DNA template, preventing its dissociation and providing high processivity.

Is eukaryotic DNA replication Semiconservative?

Finally, one copy of the genomes is segregated to each daughter cell at mitosis or M phase. These daughter copies each contain one strand from the parental duplex DNA and one nascent antiparallel strand. This mechanism is conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes and is known as semiconservative DNA replication.

How does the β clamp enhance the activity of DNA polymerase III?

The β clamp converts DNA polymerase III from a [distributive/processive] to a [distributive/processive] enzyme. Describe properties of eukaryotic chromosomes that affect DNA replication. Eukaryotic chromosomes are longer and they have a higher order structure (nucleosomes).

What is the function of the sliding clamp in DNA replication quizlet?

What is the role of the sliding clamp during replication? It keeps DNA polymerase attached to the template while the polymerase synthesizes a new strand of DNA. In the absence of the sliding clamp, most DNA polymerase molecules would synthesize only a short segment of DNA before falling off the template strand.

Why DNA replication is called semi-conservative?

Replication is called semiconservative because at the time of replication, in each of the two copies of the DNA, one of the strands of DNA is old and conserved and one is newly formed.

How can DNA polymerase I and DNA polymerase III detect base pairing mismatches?


  • DNA polymerase adds a new base to the 3′ end of the growing, new strand.
  • Polymerase detects that the bases are mispaired.
  • Polymerase uses 3′ to 5′ exonuclease activity to remove the incorrect T from the 3′ end of the new strand.

What are the 3 phases of DNA replication?

Replication occurs in three major steps: the opening of the double helix and separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment.