What does the CPAT test consist of?

The CPAT is a pass/fail timed test (10 minutes 20 seconds) which consists of eight separate events (stair climb, hose drag, equipment carry, ladder raise and extension, forcible entry, search, rescue, and ceiling breach and pull).

How hard is it to pass the CPAT?

The CPAT is a pass/fail test that requires the candidate to complete it in 10:20 or less. If a candidate exceeds the 10:20 minute deadline, he/she will fail the entire test. Also, if the candidate fails to complete any event throughout the test his/she will fail the entire test.

Where can I take the CPAT test in Illinois?

The CPAT and Ladder Climb tests are given by three area locations that offer timed practice courses in addition to the CPAT Test:

  • The Central Illinois Fire Chiefs (CIFC) facility located in Decatur, Illinois;
  • The Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA);
  • The Southwestern United Fire District (SUFD).

How many miles should a firefighter run?

The most common is a 1.5-mile run test. It is recommended that fire recruits have a VO2 Max of at least 45 ml/kg/minute upon entry to an academy. This equates to 12 minutes in the 1.5-mile run test. To begin preparing for entry into a fire academy, first assess your 1.5-mile run six weeks prior to your start.

How do I train for CPAT at home?

Use exercises like dips and chin ups to work several upper body muscles at once. The exercises also prepare you for several of the CPAT events including the forcible entry, ceiling breach and pull, and more. Take your exercise routine on-the-go with TheraBand CLX Resistance Bands.

What is the average CPAT time?

The average time completing the CPAT test is between nine and ten minutes, twenty seconds and is composed of eight (8) stages, or stations, of physical testing that simulate the tasks that a firefighter might perform while on the job.

How heavy is the best in the CPAT?

The CPAT is a pass/fail test based on a maximum total time of 10 minutes and 20 seconds. During the test you will wear a 50-pound (22.68-kg) vest to simulate the weight of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and fire fighter protective clothing.

How many pull ups for a firefighter?

Running or jogging is not permitted during the pack test. Some forms of firefighting may come with additional fitness requirements. For instance, smokejumpers must complete seven pull-ups, 45 sit-ups, 25 push-ups, and a 1.5-mile run in fewer than 11 minutes.

How many push-ups do firefighters do?

Overall, 155 of the 1,104 firefighters were able to break 40 push-ups in a minute, and only 75 couldn’t manage 10. The highest amount of firefighters, 389 to be exact, fell somewhere between 21 and 30 push-ups for a minute — slightly short of that ideal threshold.