What does the ability technician do Pokemon?

Technician increases the power of moves which have a power of 60 or less by 50%. For moves with variable power, Technician will only apply if the power is 60 or less when used.

Is technician a hidden ability?

Pokémon that can have the Technician ability as their Hidden Ability: No….Technician.

Name Jp. Name
Technician Technician テクニシャン
Game’s Text:
Powers up the Pokémon’s weaker moves.
In-Depth Effect:

Is technician good Pokemon?

Technician is a great Ability to augment with items and buffs. For example, I personally utilize Technician on a Scyther on my B-Team in Pokémon HeartGold. With my Scyther, I’m attempting to create an attacking pokémon that can score critical hits frequently.

Does technician apply before stab?

Technician increases the Base Power of an attack by 50% if its Power is 60 or less. So the most you get is boosting an attack at 60 power to 90. This occurs before STAB is calculated, so your Power would be 90 for STAB, boosting it to 135.

Does technician work on triple kick?

Triple Kick is a very viable choice with the boost from Technician. First and foremost, by being a multi-hit move, it allows it to break through Substitutes and then proceed to strike the Pokémon behind the Sub.

What Pokémon has technician?

Pokemon with the Ability Technician

Hitmontop Minccino Cinccino
Meowth Gigantamax Meowth Marshadow
Alolan Persian Scyther Scizor

Is triple axel affected by technician?

10% miss. Now the fun part: All of them are triggered by technician. So the first attack actually does 30. The second goes for 60 an the last 90…

Does technician stack with fury cutter?

So yes, Technician only applies to the original Acrobatics with a base power of 55. In the same way, Techician is applied only to the first Fury Cutter, because it’s the only one to have a base power of 60 or less.

Does transistor stack with stab?

Powers up Electric-type moves. The Pokémon’s Electric-type moves are boosted by 50%. Stacked with STAB, this gives a 125% boost.

Does technician work with triple axel?

Yes it gets technician boost. Hits three times. Power increases to(not doubles) 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit.

Is Triple Axel affected by technician?