What does teleo mean?
What does teleo mean?
end; goal;
Prefix. teleo- end; goal; purpose.
Who owns teleo capital?
Founded in 1977 by the late Dr. Gary Gitnick and his wife Cherna, Fulfillment Fund has helped make college graduation a reality for students growing up in economically under-resourced communities in Los Angeles. Over the last 44 years, more than 28,000 students have benefited from their programs.
What is telos philosophy?
télos, lit. “end, ‘purpose’, or ‘goal'”) is a term used by philosopher Aristotle to refer to the final cause of a natural organ or entity, or of a work of human art. Intentional actualization of potential or inherent purpose, similar to the notion of an ‘end goal’ or ‘raison d’être’.
What is telos of Aristotle?
The word telos means something like purpose, or goal, or final end. According to Aristotle, everything has a purpose or final end. If we want to understand what something is, it must be understood in terms of that end, which we can discover through careful study.
Do humans have a telos?
This important term can be translated variously as “end,” “goal,” or “purpose.” According to Aristotle, we have a telos as humans, which it is our goal to fulfill. This telos is based on our uniquely human capacity for rational thought.
What is telos in human person?
Telos. This important term can be translated variously as “end,” “goal,” or “purpose.” According to Aristotle, we have a telos as humans, which it is our goal to fulfill. This telos is based on our uniquely human capacity for rational thought.
What is the telos according to Aristotle?
How are you going to attain your ultimate telos?
Happiness is the ultimate telos because there is no further telos beyond happiness and because the ultimate goal of all our other activities is happiness. For Aristotle, the soul, or psuche (the root of our word psychology), is simply that which distinguishes living things from nonliving things.
What is your ultimate telos in life?
Do human beings really have a telos?
What is the telos of human person?
The telos of a human being is to reason. The good for a human being is, therefore, acting in accordance with reason.