What does TDY stand for?
What does TDY stand for?
Temporary duty travel
Temporary duty travel (TDY), also known as temporary additional duty (TAD), is a designation reflecting a United States Armed Forces Service member’s travel or other assignment at a location other than the traveler’s permanent duty station as authorized by the Joint Travel Regulations.
What is TDY and PCS?
Military members are allowed a permissive TDY (Temporary Duty) for up to 10 days in conjunction with a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move between and within the 50 states & District of Columbia. By “Permissive TDY” that means there is no transportation or per diem paid, but members are not charged for leave.
How does military TDY work?
Military TDY usually grants per diem pay which helps cover lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. You get per diem pay regardless of what you spend each day on daily expenses. As a result, if you budget accordingly you can earn extra cash by pocketing whatever per diem you don’t spend on daily living expenses.
How Long Can soldiers be TDY?
Temporary duty essentially refers to duties that are carried out away from a personnel’s permanent or designated duty station. Usually, the time for TDY is up to 179 days.
What is the difference between TDY and deployment?
TDY orders may involve a per diem payment for meals, funds for lodging, etc. A deployment presupposes that no such expenses are necessary, except for specifically defined circumstances listed in the orders.
Is TDY the same as deployment?
What is TDY pay?
Army Temporary Duty (TDY) DFAS TDY Travel Pay processes travel vouchers for Active Duty Members, Reservist Called to Active Duty and Evacuations. Select Active Duty Service Member, Reservist Called to Active Duty, or Evacuations to find the required information needed before, during, and after your travel.
Can you bring your family on TDY?
It can be a little tricky to travel with your spouse to their TDY location but it is completely possible as long as you plan properly and embrace doing some of your vacationing alone or alone with your kids.
Do you get Bah while on TDY?
Transit Housing Allowance (BAH-Transit) Paid while a Service member is in travel or leave status between permanent duty stations (PDS), provided the Service member is not assigned Government quarters. The BAH-Transit rate is paid during proceed time and authorized delays en route, including a TDY en route.
What army regulation covers TDY?
AR 58-1 provides Army policy on the administration and use of official vehicles. d. Travel within and around TDY station. (1) Authorization to utilize a POC for TDY does not automatically constitute authority for reimbursement of travel within and around the TDY station.
Do you get extra money for TDY?
Essentially, additional TDY pay on top of your regular pay is an additional fixed budget given to you per day. It is the servicemember’s responsibility to budget adequately. You may be eligible for per diem even if you are temporarily assigned in the same state as your current duty station depending on the situation.