What does tankmon digivolve to?

Tankmon is an Electric Data Type, Champion level Digimon and uses 6 memory. It digivolves from BlackAgumon, Armadillomon, and Gotsumon, and can digivolve to Andromon, Gigadramon, CannonBeemon, and Knightmon.

How do I get Crusadermon?

Crusadermon digivolves from Knightmon. In order to digivolve into Crusadermon, your Digimon must be at least level 44 with 170 speed, but only once you have revived Crusadermon. It can be hatched from the Steel DigiEgg.

How do you get Knightmon?

In order to digivolve or degenerate to Knightmon, your Digimon must be at least level 40, with 180 defense and 200 attack. Knightmon can DNA digivolve to Minervamon with ShadowWereGarurumon, or to Sleipmon with Mammothmon.

What does Hagurumon Digivolve into?

Hagurumon is a Weapon Virus type, Rookie level Digimon. It digivolves from Motimon and Gummymon and can digivolve into Guardromon, GoldVeedramon, Kuwagamon, and BomberNanimon.

Is LordKnightmon a girl?

So the answer is, outside of it being generless officially, whatever gender the writers want it to play. With the name “LordKnightmon”, then it’s more of a male leaning name, but then again – the CS one is female, in addition to the fact that we have a male Lilithmon in Digimon World Data Squad.

Is Crusadermon a female?

In English Dub of Digimon Frontier, Crusadermon is female. Crusadermon is voiced by Melodee Spevack in the English anime, who also did the voice of Birdramon, Garudamon, LadyDevimon, Blossomon and Dokugumon.

Can you beat Knightmon?

You cannot defeat Knightmon.

What does Machinedramon digivolve?

Machinedramon digivolves from Gigadramon, Datamon, and Megadramon and can digivolve to Millenniummon, Chaosdramon, and Apocalymon.

Which Digimon uses poop dunk?

Nanimon is an Earth Virus Type, Champion level Digimon and uses 6 memory. It digivolves from Elecmon, Gazimon, and Goblimon and can digivolve to Meteormon, SuperStarmon, and Digitamamon. Its special attack is Poop Dunk and its support skill is Immobility which prevents Stun.

What gender is LordKnightmon?