What does TAF mean in aviation?

Terminal Area Forecast
The Terminal Area Forecast ( TAF ) is the official FAA forecast of aviation activity for U.S. airports. It contains active airports in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems ( NPIAS ) including FAA -towered airports, Federal contract-towered airports, non-federal towered airports, and non-towered airports.

What is a TAF and METAR?

METAR = Meteorological Aerodrome Report (current time) TAF = Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (future, between 24 – 30 hours ahead) These aviation weather reports are designed to give accurate depictions of current weather conditions. Each report provides current information that is updated at different times.

How do you read a TAF in aviation?

How to read a TAF weather forecast

  1. Station identifier (KLAX)
  2. Date and time of forecast (220520Z)
  3. Valid time period (2206/2312)
  4. Forecasted wind speed and direction (VRB08KT)
  5. Forecasted visibility (06SM)
  6. Forecasted weather conditions (PRSN)
  7. Forecasted sky conditions (SCT024 BKN030 OVC048)
  8. Other data.

What is TAF used for?

Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) is an orally bioavailable form of tenofovir (TFV). TAF is available as a 25 mg single drug tablet for use in hepatitis B and at a dose of 25 mg in several fixed-dose combination tablets without cobicistat for use in HIV.

What is TAF tempo?

The terms TEMPO and INTER are used to indicate significant temporary or intermittent variations from the prevailing conditions previously given in the TAF. TEMPO is used for periods of 30 minutes or more but less than 60 minutes. INTER is used for periods less than 30 minutes.

How many times a day is a TAF issued?

TAFs are prepared four times a day and are issued at 2340, 0540, 1140, and 1740 UTC.

What does CB mean in a TAF?

CB stands for cumulonimbus; TCU stands for towering cumulus. If surface-based clouds or other surface-based obscurations (e.g., smoke, haze) are reported (i.e., cloud base is 000), then vertical visibility, where available, is also reported in hundreds of feet, following the letters, VV.

How often are TAF issued?

four times a day
TAFs are prepared four times a day and are issued at 2340, 0540, 1140, and 1740 UTC.

What is TDF and TAF?

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is an antiretroviral (ARV) medication approved in 2001 to prevent and treat HIV, and in 2008 to treat chronic hepatitis B. Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) is a new and improved formulation of tenofovir, approved in 2015.

What is the difference between TAF and TDF?

The major difference with TDF is that it has much higher plasma tenofovir exposure, which leads to some of the safety concerns. In fact, TAF in Genvoya is formulated as one-tenth the dose of TDF in Stribild, which results in a 90% lower circulating tenofovir plasma concentration.

What does TX and TN mean in a TAF?

TX – Indicator for Maximum temperature. TtTt – Temperature value in Celsius. TN – Indicator for Minimum temperature. HH – Forecast hour, i.e. the time(hour) when the temperature is expected.